uvic-auvic / polaris

2019 Submarine Code.
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Test Buoy Detection More extensively #17

Open rkeen9 opened 4 years ago

rkeen9 commented 4 years ago
AntonNiko commented 4 years ago

From issue #12 : Issue pinpointed in BuoyDetector.cpp line 20 (hash 726cc87). Two bugs were discovered:

  1. No default value for buoy_type provided to constructor, no error handling
  2. OpenCV complains that parameter detector.buoy_img is not of type CV_8U. Conversions between types is being worked on
AntonNiko commented 4 years ago

Linking greyscale_img_detection. Since it has been found that cv::imread only returns null data when reading with the cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE flag, error handling is placed to handle and inform when such a thing happens.

robwasmann commented 4 years ago

It returns null? Also see the discussion I had in slack with Aman regarding using cvtcolor to convert the image to greyscale first if it's not already.

AntonNiko commented 4 years ago

I tried some conversions that didn't work at all. Specifically detector.buoy_img.data returns a null pointer. Are the flags (e.g cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) only an indication and have no effect on whether an image is read or not? I can work on those conversions then