uw-ipd / RoseTTAFold2NA

RoseTTAFold2 protein/nucleic acid complex prediction
MIT License
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makeblastdb show add '-parse_seqids' option. #38

Open lipan6461188 opened 1 year ago

lipan6461188 commented 1 year ago

BLAST version: ncbi-blast-2.13.0+

gunzip -c rnacentral_species_specific_ids.fasta.gz | makeblastdb -in - -dbtype nucl  -out rnacentral.fasta -title "RNACentral"

should be changed to:

gunzip -c rnacentral_species_specific_ids.fasta.gz | makeblastdb -in - -parse_seqids -dbtype nucl  -out rnacentral.fasta -title "RNACentral"

otherwise, blastdbcmd will raise error:

blastdbcmd -db $db -entry_batch $tag.list.split.$suffix -out tmp.$tag.db.$suffix -outfmt ">Accession:%a_TaxID:%T @%s" &> /dev/null
Error: [blastdbcmd] Skipped URS0002332FB3_39947                                     
Error: [blastdbcmd] Skipped URS0002332FB3_40148  
Error: [blastdbcmd] Skipped URS0002332FB3_4529 
DNARNAi commented 1 year ago

I have reported same issue Please suggest me what to do....