uwcart / mapstudy

Integrated, modularized framework for testing cartographic hypotheses
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Create labelLayer module #26

Closed northlandiguana closed 7 years ago

northlandiguana commented 8 years ago

Need a vector labeling engine for dataLayers. This should create SVG labels using D3 and position them centered within each polygon feature or upper-right of each point feature. Ideally, labels should avoid overlapping other labels, but this might be too much to deal with.

northlandiguana commented 8 years ago

Implemented for Leaflet using L.SVG class.

northlandiguana commented 8 years ago

Need option for placing dots for point labels.

northlandiguana commented 8 years ago

Ensure label layer stays on top.

northlandiguana commented 7 years ago

Labels not resetting when map resets.

northlandiguana commented 7 years ago

Implemented a separate point technique type to make adding points for point labels optional. Implemented function to keep all data layers displayed in their original order. Label resetting was mostly user error.