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Xilinx Microblaze Projects for RCT Upgrade
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Failed to open JTAG Cable for CTP6 #44

Closed pklabbers closed 10 years ago

pklabbers commented 10 years ago

I am trying to replicate what Maria did before Evan left. It is described here https://github.com/uwcms/cms-calo-layer1/wiki/The-CTP6#loading-the-front-end-payload-with-xmd

I cannot get the make payload to work, I get:

XMD% ERROR: Failed to Open JTAG Cable Cable target is not connected to the host

The driver is fine, the green light is on on the USB-JTAG box. Everything looks plugged in. The switch is down (I tried both positions) on the JTAG input. I traced the USB cable back to l1ts-rct-01, that seems fine, all the flying leads seem to be plugged in to the ribbon cable. Any suggestions?

Am I missing some critical step?

Thanks, Pam

mcepeda commented 10 years ago

Hi Pam,

I have been going through the wiki and I think everything I did is contained there. I can also see the USB from l1ts-rct-02, so it is somehow connected.

Can it be a code issue? Have you updated to the latest code in the repository? I will be there tomorrow morning, since I still have the version of the code that we used before Evan left untouched in my setup we can test it to see if this was caused by a change.

(Just to know, after what command does it stop?)


pklabbers commented 10 years ago

The XMD command run on l1ts-rct-01 (the JTAG controller going to the CTP6 is connected to that PC), do I instead need to use the USB (from the hub) on l1ts-rct-02? Anyhow, here is the full text:

make upload echo "connect mb mdm -debugdevice deviceNr 2; rst; connect mb mdm -debugdevice deviceNr 2; dow payload.elf; run" | xmd Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) Engine Xilinx EDK 14.4 Build EDK_P.49d Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.

XMD% XMD% ERROR: Failed to Open JTAG Cable Cable target is not connected to the host

mcepeda commented 10 years ago

You're right, this should be done from l1ts-rct-01 - sorry.

I do get the same exact error with my installation, so it is not a change in code.

Was any cable moved last week in the operations?

pklabbers commented 10 years ago

I put the front panel on, but then took it off again yesterday thinking that it was still interfering. So there were a couple of power cycles.

pklabbers commented 10 years ago

I did make sure there were clocks coming from the AMC13 again, following instructions that I had been e-mailed, now they are copied to the CTP6 page.

tsarangi commented 10 years ago

So, did you guys figure this one out ? It might be that the drivers on the pc are corrupted, so you might have to install them again. I had this problem here in Chmbrln with the pc connected to CTP6. The driver install script is in here, /PATH/TO//Xilinx/14.4/ISE_DS/common/bin/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/install_drivers

mcepeda commented 10 years ago

Hi Tapas,

Thanks! That fixed it.

In the README of the directory you sent (/opt/Xilinx/14.4/ISE_DS/common/bin/lin/install_script/install_drivers/readme.txt) it explains that:

NOTE: By default, access to windrvr6 is restricted to root only. This step grants group and user access to the driver. However, if you reboot your system, access to the driver will revert back to root-only and you will have to repeat step #7 (you do not have to rerun the installation script).

(7. Change permissions on the USB / PC4 driver by typing: chmod 666 /dev/windrvr6.)

I changed the permissions of that file and now I can "make upload".


mcepeda commented 10 years ago

I tested the full set of instructions and it worked on my side.

I included the problem (&solution) in the CTP6 wiki for instructions (https://github.com/uwcms/cms-calo-layer1/wiki/The-CTP6#known-problems--solutions)

@pklabbers , did you try? Can I close the issue?


pklabbers commented 10 years ago

Hi Maria, I'll give it a shot again tomorrow, and then close this if it works. Thanks for all the help, Pam