uwdata / mosaic

An extensible framework for linking databases and interactive views.
611 stars 35 forks source link

Dashboard Compiler & Publisher #383

Open domoritz opened 1 month ago

domoritz commented 1 month ago

Given a Mosaic YAML/JSON specification (and possibly additional data source information), analyze the spec and produce a standalone dashboard web application. The compiler should analyze the data sources and convert them for rapid loading within a WASM-based DuckDB deployment. The compiler should also raise warnings or exit with an error if the dataset is too big to export to a standalone web-based deployment. The compilation process might also consider data cube indexing, for example by precomputing cube tables and adding them to DuckDB upon dashboard initialization. The compiler might also suggest dashboard modifications when helpful, for example by rewriting a selection to use single resolution if cube computation will be too costly at runtime. A dashboard publishing tool like Observable Framework might be one way to then deploy the results.

jheer commented 1 month ago

I've started some initial work on this, so if others are interested in pitching in please get in touch. Or, just "thumbs up" vote on the entry above if this is something you'd like to see supported.