uwescience / DSSG2021-min-wage

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Explore geographic data #1

Open jmhernan opened 3 years ago

jmhernan commented 3 years ago

We can begin looking at WA state census geographical area data. We can access these files here

I wouldn't download these files directly to your machines, I wrote a simple script to begin exploring these while grabbing them directly from the web-site and storing them in temporary storage. See full script here.

# create a couple temp files
temp <- tempfile()
temp2 <- tempfile()

# download the zip folder from the internet save to 'temp'

If we were to use tracts as our geographic aggregation, how would we measure distances between them? (e.g midpoint)

jmhernan commented 3 years ago

this is the package that i'm using for this: https://r-spatial.github.io/sf/ Super cool!