uwescience / myria-web

Web frontend for Myria
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I'm not presently able to execute any of the data load data from the demo UI #316

Closed metasoarous closed 7 years ago

metasoarous commented 7 years ago

I'm here trying to run one of the data load commands, but am unable to get it to work.


I get this:

Error 400 (Bad Request): Error 200 (OK): {"url":"","queryId":1760,"rawQuery":"T1 = load(\"s3://uwdb/sampleData/TwitterK.csv\",\n        csv(schema(a:int,b:int)));\nstore(T1, TwitterK);","logicalRa":"Parallel","plan":{"type":"SubQuery","fragments":[]},"submitTime":"2017-04-07T22:25:28.891Z","startTime":"2017-04-07T22:25:28.914Z","finishTime":"2017-04-07T22:25:28.915Z","message":null,"elapsedNanos":127458,"status":"SUCCESS","profilingMode":[],"ftMode":"NONE","language":"datalog"}
senderista commented 7 years ago

Hi, it looks like you had selected the query language as "Datalog", but the query is in MyriaL. I tried this and got the same error you pasted here, but it works fine when the selected query language is "MyriaL". Certainly the error is completely misleading and uninformative, though--we'll work on fixing that.

metasoarous commented 7 years ago

Oh dear; Thanks for catching for me!

senderista commented 7 years ago

Opened https://github.com/uwescience/myria-web/issues/317 for this.