uwgraphics / relaxed_ik

RelaxedIK Solver
MIT License
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Python3 migration? #23

Closed cmower closed 3 years ago

cmower commented 3 years ago


Now that Python2 is officially deprecated, and ROS-Noetic targets Python3 exclusively, is there any plans to migrate or development migrating relaxed_ik?

djrakita commented 3 years ago

Hi Chris, yes, we are planning to move away from Python 2 going forward. We have two plans for this: (1) our next release will get Python 2 completely out of the relaxedIK runtime; and (2) the release after that will get Python 2 out of the robot pre-processing/ compilation process as well. Release 1 should be ready to go very soon (on the order of a week or two). Release 2 will take a bit more time, maybe on the order of a few months. I'll post some updates on the progress of these releases over the coming months!

cmower commented 3 years ago

Hi Daniel, Thanks for this, re the pre-processing code, is this ROS dependant? Or can it be run using a python2 interpreter without calls to rosrun/roslaunch?

djrakita commented 3 years ago

Nothing about the underlying pre-processing code inherently requires ROS, but the way it's currently hooked up, ROS is a key part of the glue holding everything together. In general, the goal going forward is to decouple and disentangle many of the underlying pieces of relaxedIK to allow for more flexibility and avoid these kind of common compatibility or deprecation issues. And, even more broadly, we'll be aiming to take the software package from prototype research code to a more mature, well thought out software stack that will be easier to use and build on by people in the community

LuciAnge commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'd like to use your RelaxedIK in my laboratory. I followed the start_here.py instructions but there are some incompatibilities due to my python version (I'm using python 3.8 with ros noetic distro). I'd like to know if there is any recent version of RelaxedIK developed using python3. Thank you for your time in advance.

djrakita commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the question. I just posted a development update on the repository README that addresses this concern, feel free to follow-up with any questions.

LuciAnge commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for your help! I'd like to use your RelaxedIK to develop a bimanual teleoperated robotic platform, using two ur5 arms. I read your work about a mono-manual teleoperated system ("A Motion Retargeting Method for Effective Mimicry-based Teleoperation of Robot Arms", 2017), I'd like to know which controller you selected and for which specific reasons. Thank you a lot for your time.