uwhpsc-2016 / homework4

Homework #4
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Bad termination #15

Closed natwall27 closed 8 years ago

natwall27 commented 8 years ago

I continually get an error when I run the tests that says:


I created a stand alone program called "mpi_play.c", which is located under homework4-natwall27. At first it also produced the same error, but I found that when I commented out the freeing of the temporary allocations, it ran just fine. By using print statements I saw that the arrays were evolving with the time-steps. I copied over the same code (with adjustments to refactored form) to heat.c, and I continue to the same error.

I am wondering if there are other debugging methods I might try to resolve this issue. Any ideas?

Thank you.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Did you manage to find what was wrong?

natwall27 commented 8 years ago

No, I am getting the same error. I also see my solutions are not accurate and made a new post.