uwhpsc-2016 / homework4

Homework #4
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Traceback error from Make for heat.c with parallel code changes. #2

Closed jleskiw closed 8 years ago

jleskiw commented 8 years ago

1) I was able to produce the expected serial_heat.png plot, following the steps given in the homework.

$ make lib

produces the object file :

mpicc -Iinclude -shared src/heat.o -o lib/libhomework4.so

-I updated test_homework4.py with the following addition, as per suggestion from issue #1.

import matplotlib 
$ python test_homework4.py

produced the expect plots for serial_heat.png, parallel_heat.png

2) I was not able to test my heat_parallel.c changes, as I received a test_homework4.py make file traceback error. I believe I followed the steps given in the homework. Please advise.

-made updates to heat_parallel to include use of MPI. -installed mpi4y

$ pip install mpi4pyd

-updated est_homework4.py to uncomment the parallel code, comment the serial plot command.

$ make lib


$ make test
Traceback (most recent call last):
    from wrappers import *
  File "test_homework4.py", line 13, in <module>
  File “/projects/file_path/homework4-username/homework4/wrappers.py", line 21, in <module>
    from homework4 import (
  File "/projects/file_path/homework4-username/homework4/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
    raise OSError("You need to compile your homework library using 'make'.")
    from wrappers import *
OSError: You need to compile your homework library using 'make'.
  File "/projects/file_path/homework4-username/homework4/wrappers.py", line 21, in <module>
    raise OSError("You need to compile your homework library using 'make'.")
OSError: You need to compile your homework library using 'make'.
cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Closing due to duplication #3