uwhpsc-2016 / homework4

Homework #4
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Obtaining Homework 4 Corrections #4

Open cswiercz opened 8 years ago

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Thank to you the following students (honorary TAs) for identifying bugs in the Homework 4 repo:

Fixes have been pushed to the source repository uwhpsc-2016/homework4. There are a few steps you will need to take to obtain these changes in your GitHub private / local repo uwhpsc-2016/homework4-githubusername.

  1. If you haven't done so yet: obtain your private repo via the link sent out on Canvas and create a local clone of your repo on SMC.
  2. To make things easier, stage (git add) and commit (git commit) any current changes in your repo. If you know what you're doing you can skip this step.
  3. Add the uwhpsc-2016/homework4 repository as a remote:

    $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4.git
  4. Verify your remotes: you should see something along the lines of

    $ git remote -v
    origin  https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4-githubusername.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4-githubusername.git (push)
    upstream  https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4.git (fetch)
    upstream  https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4.git (push)
  5. Now pull the changes from upstream into your master branch:

    $ git pull upstream master
  6. Resolve any merge conflicts (if any) and create a "merge commit", if necessary.
  7. Push your commit tree to your private GitHub remote:

    $ git push origin master
  8. Verify that these commits are on your GitHub private remote by navigating to https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework4-githubusername and clicking on the "Commits" button near the upper-left corner. You should see your commits as well as my own. The commit messages should clearly summarize the changes made to the repo.