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Add student group explanations #70

Closed prairir closed 1 year ago

prairir commented 2 years ago

Describe Problem

There are a ton of groups on campus like CSS, CSC, Eng society, Sci Soc, etc.

Suggest Solution

A glossary of student groups with a quick blurb about what they do, what they want to do, and how to get involved(with links and stuff) would round out whats going on

Additional Details

It may be a good idea to reach out to student groups so they can write it themselves

benchittle commented 2 years ago

So there's a looooot of clubs, I've put a few scattered ones here just to start it off but I think we should separate the big clubs from the small ones, or organize them somehow.

A scattered list of clubs...

From https://www.uwindsor.ca/engineering/student-groups


Lillliant commented 2 years ago

I found some more student groups from the UWSA hub, and I'll try to look for more once the UWindsor site is back up again. There were around 130+ clubs in the UWSA alone, but since a lot of the clubs don't have any contact info listed, I just jot down ones that have emails or social medias.

I'm thinking of organizing these by faculties/departments in the final wiki article, but there are a lot of clubs outside of these categories. Would it be better to group them alphabetically?


student associations and unions

clubs and other student groups

faculty of science

faculty of engineering








Lillliant commented 2 years ago

Also, this is the template that I wrote for contacting student groups. Does this look okay?


The Computer Science Society is working on a student wiki that will go live in September 2022. We are working to make a glossary of the students groups on campus. We are hoping that your organization can write a short paragraph that briefly describes your goals and visions. Here are some questions if you are interested in writing a paragraph:

•   What does your organization do on the campus? What goals and visions do you have for the organization?
•   What is a current event/project that you would like to showcase? Do you have any events/projects planned for the future?
•   What are the ways students can get involved with your organization? What kind of roles do they serve, or what kind of tasks do they perform?
•   Is there a regular recruitment routine? If so, what is the timeline/platform of which this routine takes place on?
•   What are some platforms that your organizations are active on?
•   If a student has any questions about your organization, what platforms should they reach you on?

Computer Science Society Developers Team
prairir commented 2 years ago

many people believe the golden key honour society is a scam. https://blogs.ubc.ca/katyatubc/2011/09/20/golden-key-honour-society-scam/ there are also tons of other examples of people saying so if you google it

prairir commented 2 years ago

The email template looks great. I think it is best if we send the emails from the css@uwindsor.ca email

Lillliant commented 2 years ago

many people believe the golden key honour society is a scam. https://blogs.ubc.ca/katyatubc/2011/09/20/golden-key-honour-society-scam/ there are also tons of other examples of people saying so if you google it

Wow, didn't know about that. I'll take it off the list

Lillliant commented 2 years ago

The email template looks great. I think it is best if we send the emails from the css@uwindsor.ca email

I think so too!

prairir commented 2 years ago

I will send out the emails from css@uwindsor.ca when the outage is over. I think its best to wait incase they have documents or anything that they would want to share but are unable because of the outage.

jere-mie commented 1 year ago

just bumping this

Dante-Masciotra commented 1 year ago

After careful consideration and discussion, we have come to the conclusion that this resource does not align with the purpose of our wiki. Moving forward, we intend to focus the wiki exclusively on information relevant to the CSS and CS courses, as well as other helpful documents. If you believe that this section is necessary, we are open to hear your thoughts.