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Update: Docusaurus version #76

Closed prairir closed 2 years ago

prairir commented 2 years ago

What are you trying to accomplish?

Update docusaurus to latest stable version

How are you accomplishing it?

To update to docusaurus version, I had to actually update the version and fix all the breaking changes. there were 2 major breaking changes.

  1. the docusaurus config needed to be updated. This was very painless because the docusaurus CLI told me exactly what to do.

  2. the CSS had to be changed for the home page. It was also fairly painless(unlike originally setting up the home page). I just needed to change a wrap to nowrap.

Is there anything reviewers should know?

I couldnt find the TOC button that Jeremie saw on some versions of docusaurus. It must have been taken out in later versions.

Checks before you create your pull request