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added search bar #79

Closed ahmadmunim closed 2 years ago

ahmadmunim commented 2 years ago

What are you trying to accomplish?

Adding a search bar feature.

How are you accomplishing it?

Downloaded a plugin from a github repo. Here's the link: https://github.com/cmfcmf/docusaurus-search-local

Is there anything reviewers should know?

The search bar only works when you run 'yarn build'. It doesn't work when you run 'yarn start'. It'll be good to add this to the documentation.

Checks before you create your pull request


search_bar_light results_display_light search_bar_dark results_display_dark

prairir commented 2 years ago

Does it work with mobile? If so, please provide screenshots.

For quick "mobile" testing on desktop, please look at https://superuser.com/questions/1214829/how-can-i-view-the-mobile-version-of-a-webpage-in-google-chrome-for-desktop

prairir commented 2 years ago

Some basic testing with the example site shows it does work in mobile mode.




@ahmadmunim make sure it works in both lightmode and darkmode and pls put screenshot

ahmadmunim commented 2 years ago

Indeed. The search bar works on mobile mode.

Here are the screenshots:

search_bar_dark_mobile search_bar_light_mobile results_light_mobile results_dark_mobile