Open CECSpecialistI opened 2 years ago
As we have previously discussed NACO place and LCSH place: For jurisdictions, RDA instructions and LC-PCC policy statements for the place entity must sometimes be used in conjunction with those for the corporate body entity.
In MARC authority records, authorized access points for places are tagged 151 and variant access points for places are tagged 451. When used as subjects in MARC bibliographic records, places are recorded in the 651 field.
However, when places are used as access points in bibliographic records for creators of works or contributors to an expression, they are tagged as jurisdictions in 110 and 710 respectively. Authorized access points for subordinate jurisdictional corporate bodies (for example, government ministries, departments, legislative bodies, courts, and embassies of a country) are tagged 110 in MARC authority records, and as 110, 610, and 710 in MARC bibliographic records.
Gordon: So tag X10 indicator 1=1 'Jurisdiction name' maps to RDA Place, the same as with tag X51.
@AdamSchiff @GordonDunsire @CECSpecialistI So for 110, do we map indicator 1=1 'Jurisdiction name' to place?
@pennylenger: Tag X10 ind1 = 1 maps to RDA Corporate Body. The overall tag semantics are for 'corporate name'. This is not the same as tag X51, with the overall tag semantics for 'geographical name'.
Legacy practice, for various reasons, conflated 'place' and 'government' in the concept of 'jurisdiction'. RDA has separated the two concepts, and the term 'jurisdiction' has been largely replaced in RDA Toolkit by 'place' and 'government' (a kind of Corporate Body).
Currently, 'main entry' data involves the creator and title of a work; a place cannot create a work - it must be an agent of some kind (in this case, a corporate body).
For 110, map ind1 = 1 to corporate body.