uwlib-cams / MARC2RDA

mapping between MARC21 and RDA-RDF
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Errors: Notify RSC #389

Closed CECSpecialistI closed 1 year ago

CECSpecialistI commented 1 year ago

Need space in the toolkit here to avoid confusion: https://access.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-c3e1fff8-0a79-35c6-bee1-39b6b4c9ed35/li_ljy_5rm_zfb

RDA to MARC Mapping for 008/24 in Maps format being mapped to Projection is wrong. It was Prime Meridian before it became Undefined.

CECSpecialistI commented 1 year ago

Filled out feedback form at RDA Toolkit about the missing space and emailed Damian about the error in the Map on the Registry on 2023-04-20.

CECSpecialistI commented 10 months ago

Missing space issue has been resolved:

"Dear Crystal

I'm happy to share with you that I have corrected a typo that you reported some time ago and, having checked it on our staging site today, can confirm that you should be able to see it in our next (September) release when it is posted.

Many thanks for spotting this mistake and for taking the time to report it.

I am also happy to say that future changes of this kind are likely to be corrected more quickly - the delay with this one was due to workload issues that have now been resolved.

The details of the typo follow my signature.

Kindest best wishes,


Anne Welsh RSC Secretary | www.rda-rsc.org Editorial Consultant, ALA Digital Reference | RDA Toolkit

Added paragraph containing a space between list and next division Toolkit location:, https://access.rdatoolkit.org/en-US_ala-c3e1fff8-0a79-35c6-bee1-39b6b4c9ed35/div_qnw_gnj_jkb


Original Report: On the Entity page for Works, below a list of terms for "A work that is categorized by its intended content or context may be referred to as:", there is another statement about the Work entity, "This entity is an entity subtype." I would like to request that a space be added between the bulleted list and the identification of the Work as an entity subtype, to avoid confusion. Some may interpret this next sentence, without a space between it and the list of terms used to refer to categorizations of works, to mean that each term represents an RDA subclass of RDA:Work, which is not the case. I think the entity subtype sentence is meant to indicate that the RDA Work class is a subtype of the RDA Entity class. A space would clear up any potential confusion."