uwlib-cams / uwlswd_vocabs_marc_006_008

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Create ProvenanceStatement dataset #5

Closed gerontakos closed 11 months ago

gerontakos commented 1 year ago

A ProvenanceStatement dataset has been drafted in DataCite as http://doi.org/10.6069/uwlswd.2e2b-y833.

The idea is to create a file of provenance statements. Problem: the statements are web documents but they will be identified with hash IRIs. That is odd.

this was first discussed in the uwlswd discussion 16.

the dataset can be called "Instances of the ProvenanceStatement Class" and stored alongside "Instances of the RightsStatement Class" in the repo "uwlswd_datasets_dpla" renamed "uwlswd_datasets."

Proposed triple for uwlswd_vocabs_marc_006_008: http://doi.org/10.6069/uwlswd.2e2b-y833 a dct:ProvenanceStatement ; rdf:value "Original list of values appeared in the MARC 21 standard maintained by the Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office in the section headed "00X - Control Fields-General Information." The original lists were re-formatted in 2011 as RDF in the Open Metadata Registry by Metadata Management Associates. The current concept scheme was published at the University of Washington Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services in 2023 and originally derived from the OMR versions, with revisions to better agree with the MARC standard as it exists in 2023."

Consider: we may want to do more than enter a verbose statement; we may want to enter structured data, like maybe using PROV properties and classes.

Sequence of events for creating this dataset:

  1. Create the RDF/XML.
  2. produce DataCite XML for the HTML/RDFa and enter into DataCite.
  3. Change the fake IRIs with the registered DOIs in the RDF/XML and in the HTML
  4. Produce the HTML/RDFa. Make sure json-ld metadata is present in the HEAD.
  5. produce additional serializations (ttl, nt, json-ld)
  6. Store all in uwlswd_datasets. (Be sure webviews are enable in that repo.)