uwlib-cams / uwlswd_vocabs_marc_006_008

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To Do List 2023-07-20 (this IS an issue) #9

Closed gerontakos closed 4 months ago

gerontakos commented 11 months ago
  1. TG: extract obsolete values we use from spreadsheets; give to DKT 1a. DKT will make sure they are present in the 008 vocabs 1ai. enter 8 values that were missing. 1aii. enter values that have no home vocabulary 1aii1. create as many vocabularies as needed

  2. Prov statement 2a. DKT proof the statement and edit as needed. 2b. Theo create the web document and complete the DOI 2c. TG insert into the conceptScheme data using dct:provenance 2d. store in Githud, uwlswd/datasets

  3. Change conceptScheme titles (DKT) -- see issue 4 3a. Follow issue #4 3b. DKT is empowered to make decisions on this

  4. Add 2 dct:source triples to every ConceptSchem,e (follow issue #3)(TG) -- see issue 3

  5. Enter an alternative title in every concept scheme that describes the source vocabulary (DKT) ~~5a. Like this:

    dct:alternative "MARC21 008/28-29 values expressed using RDF"~~
  6. TG Write little script: -- see issue 2 6a. Remove skos:exactMatch triples from all concept descriptions (TG) 6b. Remove all //skos:Concept @xml:lang="en" (TG)

  7. DOIs 📢 see full workflow "pipline" in issue 7 7a. Initiate a draft DOI (Theo will do 2 on his own then sit down with DKYT and do like 5 together; then maybe DKT can do the remaining 16) 7b. DataCite XML metadata--create in oXygen

  8. Transfer 6 vocabularies from 007 (2 in Visual Materials, 4 in Music) to 008. 8a. Issue: They are copied into 008, but missing the history from 007.

dkreisstomkins commented 11 months ago

Regarding item 5: Some vocabularies will have the same alternative title. Is this ok?

Example: both Computer Files and Some/Common vocabulary sets have a vocabulary numbered 23, which means both will have \MARC21 008/23 values expressed using RDF</dct:alternative> as their entry, without anything differentiating the two concept schemes in this line.

gerontakos commented 4 months ago

All done!