uwrobotics / uwrt_mars_rover

Ros Metapackage for UWRT Mars Rover
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AUTONOMY: ARUCO QR Code Reader #207

Open keyonjerome opened 1 year ago

keyonjerome commented 1 year ago

See: https://github.com/JMU-ROBOTICS-VIVA/ros2_aruco and https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html

Ending node must publish the aruco's pose relative to the camera as a Pose message https://docs.ros2.org/latest/api/geometry_msgs/msg/Pose.html

nico-palmar commented 1 year ago

Planning on writing my own code for this node rather than taking an prebuilt ROS package. Up to now, I can detect ARUCO codes using the zed camera. After doing some research, I found out that open CV is able to give translation and rotation vectors for ARUCO codes (two 3D vectors). In theory, I believe the translation vector is the same as the position in the pose message (although I need to test this myself), and the quaternion parameter should be able to be computed by applying some transformations to both the translation and rotation vectors (was looking into quaternions today, should probably be written somewhere already but I need to look into it more). Just wanted to add this here to document current thoughts and steps.