uwrobotics / uwrt_mars_rover

Ros Metapackage for UWRT Mars Rover
MIT License
18 stars 7 forks source link

PERCEPTION: IMU and GPS Sensor #248

Open nico-palmar opened 12 months ago

nico-palmar commented 12 months ago

Part of the basic autonomy setup.

This is a 2 part task (first do IMU then do GPS). Both should be added as marcos in the launch file.

  1. Add the IMU to the URDF. Similar to https://navigation.ros.org/setup_guides/odom/setup_odom.html. Add gazebo (and potnetially other required packages to the launch file) so that when you launch the robot, IMU data in simulated. Check that it can publish sensor_msgs/msg/Imu.

  2. For the GPS task, same process. Add the GPS sensor and simulate it in gazebo.

Note that they should be added in this package: src/uwrt_mars_rover/uwrt_mars_rover_drivetrain/uwrt_mars_rover_drivetrain_description (inside the drivetrain_marco.xacro)

wang-edward commented 11 months ago

