uxcam / cordova-uxcam

Cordova plugin for UXCam
7 stars 4 forks source link

cannot integrate uxcam on ionic project #12

Closed LaloCastilla closed 11 months ago

LaloCastilla commented 5 years ago

I have followed the instructions but after executing the following lines it shows me on an alert: 'Class not found error'.

UXCam.startWithKey('d9f707635967f38', function () { alert('started') }, function (err) { alert(err) });

Im trying on ionic cordova 6.4.0 platform cause trying in 7.0.0 doesnt recognize even the uxcam plugin file.


ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.1.1 (C:\Users\Eduardo\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ionic) Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.8.0 @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.0


cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0 Cordova Platforms : android 6.4.0, ios 4.5.4 Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.2, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 1.2.1, (and 11 other plugins)


Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1 (C:\Users\Eduardo\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk) NodeJS : v8.11.3 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe) npm : 5.10.0 OS : Windows 10

LaloCastilla commented 5 years ago


theanilpaudel commented 5 years ago

How are you importing the UXCam module? First, make sure your package.json contains "cordova-uxcam": "^2.3.7" and then import it like this declare var UXCam:any; and use it like this UXCam.startWithKey('d9f707635967f38',function(){ alert('started') },function(error){ alert('error') });

wcustodio commented 4 years ago

Same problem here. Any solutions?

susanuxcam commented 4 years ago

Hey @wcustodio do you still have this problem?

MarcAndreC commented 3 years ago

I have same problem in android studio when trying to compile. : capacitor-cordova-android-plugins\src\main\java\com\uxcam\cordova\UXCam.java:23: error: cannot find symbol com.uxcam.UXCam.startNewSession();

susanuxcam commented 3 years ago

Hey @Stylemayster, we've already reported it to our developers. We will let you know as soon as it's fixed!

kveber commented 3 years ago

anyone get some feedback about this error or found some alternative?

alexsafe commented 3 years ago

definitely still an issue

susanuxcam commented 3 years ago

Hey everyone, it's fixed in the latest cordova sdk 3.4.2 - can you try it out?

sbellver commented 1 year ago

Same error here


I'm on ionic + vue

After npm install cordova-uxcamand ionic cap update && ionic cap copy && ionic cap sync :


--- EDIT ---

Seems the last error is related with @capacitor-community/uxcam , no Cordova-uxcam ; I remove it and cap works, but general error persists:

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error                                                                                                6:06:01 PM

 error  in src/main.ts:101:19

TS2307: Cannot find module 'cordova-uxcam' or its corresponding type declarations.
     99 |
    100 | /* UX Cam */
  > 101 | import UXCam from 'cordova-uxcam';
        |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    102 | declare let UXCam:any;
    103 |
    104 | UXCam.optIntoSchematicRecordings();

 ERROR  Error: Build failed with errors.

--- EDIT ---

I can use declare var instead let or const with:

/* UX Cam */
// eslint-disable-next-line
declare var UXCam:any;

But same result


-- UPDATE ---

Well, I add

/* UX Cam */
// eslint-disable-next-line
declare var UXCam:any;

In main.ts

Then go to App.vue and add the same, plus

UXCam.optIntoSchematicRecordings() //To enable session video recording on iOS 

    const configuration = {
      userAppKey: 'YOUR API KEY',
      enableMultiSessionRecord: true,
      enableCrashHandling: true,
      enableAutomaticScreenNameTagging: false,
      enableImprovedScreenCapture: true,


at my created() section; obviously with my API KEY

No error, but no sessions.