uxcam / cordova-uxcam

Cordova plugin for UXCam
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stopApplicationAndUploadData() Crashes Android Devices #6

Closed manifestinteractive closed 7 years ago

manifestinteractive commented 7 years ago


Following the documentation to stop UXCam in Cordova works perfectly fine for iOS devices, however, on two different Android Devices ( both Nexus 5's ) the command caused the app to completely crash. The session also fails to upload to uxcam.com until the app is relaunched. Session is then uploaded and the crash is logged in your system.

Acceptance Criteria:

UXCam.stopApplicationAndUploadData() should not cause the application to crash on Android Devices. User testing should correctly stop and data should be uploaded to uxcam.com

Steps to Duplicate:

I have tried both of the the following examples on two different Android devices getting the same response for each attempt to stop UXCam.

UXCam.stopApplicationAndUploadData(function () { console.log('stop success') }, function () { console.log('stop error') })

I tried removing the callbacks in stopApplicationAndUploadData as I thought they might be causing the crash ( as callbacks are failing too, as reported in Issue #5 ). But that did not resolve the issue. Both ways of triggering the stop fails and immediately crashes the application upon execution.

System Info:

Android OS v6.0.1 ( Tested on two different Nexus 5's with failure )

Relevant Documentation

I am referencing the stopApplicationAndUploadData UXCam method in this file:


My feelings on this Issue


uxcam-android commented 7 years ago

I have pushed fix on branch v2.3.3. Could you please verify? @manifestinteractive https://github.com/uxcam/cordova-uxcam/tree/v2.3.3

manifestinteractive commented 7 years ago

Finally got this into an Android specific build and I can verify that v2.3.3 resolves both Android issues I was having. Installed plugin via: ( for others that might want to use this branch )

cordova plugin add https://github.com/uxcam/cordova-uxcam.git#v2.3.3