uxcam / react-native-ux-cam

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Feature Request: Get Install ID Via SDK #97

Open andrewtremblay opened 1 year ago

andrewtremblay commented 1 year ago

The UX Cam Install ID is visible in the UXCam Dashboard and users are filterable by this property.

Our team would find this enormously helpful if the SDK could return this value so that we can send it to other analytics systems for purposes of traceability in crash reports and analytics.

Currently we're reporting session/recording IDs, but that is ephemeral and requires that a session/recording is started, whereas the Install ID would be the same and allow us to track individual devices/users more easily.

We intend to use the Vendor Device ID and Secure.ANDROID_ID for the time being, but would appreciate if this was sent from the SDK itself in case this implementation changes across SDK versions.