uxlfoundation / oneAPI-spec

oneAPI Specification source files
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Where is the oneIPL documentation? #518

Open SailingDreams opened 4 months ago

SailingDreams commented 4 months ago

Hi. According to the page below, "_the oneAPI Image Processing Library (oneIPL) is a new element in the oneAPI v1.2 provisional specification". https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/portable-accelerated-image-processing-oneapi.html Since oneAPI is now at 1.3 (I think) and oneIPL isn't listed as an element in the documentation, is oneIPL documented somewhere else?

It's also not listed as a repo under here: https://github.com/oneapi-src/

I'd be grateful for instructions on how to download and install oneIPL.

rscohn2 commented 4 months ago

I asked one of the developers to respond.

grapedog commented 3 months ago

Hi. The oneIPL specification can be found at https://spec.oneapi.io/oneipl/0.6/index.html Note that Intel’s plans for release of oneIPL software have been suspended indefinitely, including inclusion in the oneAPI specification.