uxmal / reko

Reko is a binary decompiler.
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MacOS Classic (Master) - Final output, arguments are missing from definition, being shown as local variables #1257

Open gbody opened 1 year ago

gbody commented 1 year ago

Using my sample file LinkIIgs.

Expected output

INT GETEOF(Int16 FILERef, Int32 *logEOF);

Generated output

ptr32 GETEOF(ptr32 a6, <anonymous> * dwArg00) - missing passed Args

Example of call to GETEOF

001029AE 558F           subq.l #$02,a7           ; space for return value
001029B0 3F2E FFF6      move.w -$000A(a6),-(a7)  ; FILEref
001029B4 486E FFF8      pea -$0008(a6)           ; Pointer to length variable
001029B8 4EBA 1A2C      jsr.l GETEOF             ; $1A2E(pc)
001029BC 3E1F           move.w (a7)+,d7          ; return error value removed from stack.

GETEOF - is a PASCAL function

001043E6 4E56 FFCE      link a6,#$FFCE
001043EA 204F           movea.l a7,a0
001043EC 316E 000C 0018 move.w $000C(a6),$0018(a0)  ; move FILEref to offset $18 of local paramblock
001043F2 A011           illegal #$A011              ; PBGETEOFSYNC A0 - ptr to paramblock, result in D0
001043F4 3D40 000E      move.w d0,$000E(a6)         ; move result to space allocated by caller
001043F8 226E 0008      movea.l $0008(a6),a1        ; Get pointer from passed arg
001043FC 22A8 001C      move.l $001C(a0),(a1)       ; move EOF value from local paramblock to pointer location 
00104400 4E5E           unlk a6
00104402 225F           movea.l (a7)+,a1            ; get return address
00104404 5C8F           addq.l #$06,a7              ; clean up Arg 1, Arg 2 - PASCAL procedures remove passed parameters
00104406 4ED1           jmp.l (a1)                  ; return - via jump to return address in a1


ptr32 GETEOF(ptr32 a6, <anonymous> * dwArg00) - missing passed Args
    Eq_7986 tLoc36;
    tLoc36.ptr0032 = a6;
    // Shouldn't tLoc36.t003E.u7 be listed as passed Arg and the location the value is stored is missing it's ref tLoc36..u7
    tLoc36..u7 = tLoc36.t003E.u7;                   
    uint32 d0_11 = (uint32) PBGetEOFSync(&tLoc36);
    // I take it that tLoc36.w0040 is the Offset 000E from A6, the space allocated by the caller for the Pascal function return value
    tLoc36.w0040 = (word16) d0_11;                  
    // Shouldn't *tLoc36.ptr003A be listed as *Arg 
    *tLoc36.ptr003A = tLoc36.dw001C;                
    return tLoc36.ptr0032;
uxmal commented 1 year ago

Thanks for providing an isolated sample; it helps in focusing. The indirect call to the return address popped off the stack really confuses the Reko analysis stage. I have some ideas of how to address this.

uxmal commented 1 year ago

@gbody: I took the liberty of formatting your issue text with markdown so it's a little easier to read.

uxmal commented 1 year ago

Once you declare the GETEOF procedure as no-decompile, using a signature the appropriate __pascal attribute, this problem went away. Is this to your satisfaction?