uxmal / reko

Reko is a binary decompiler.
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MacOS Classic - Procedure definitions after analysis, extra register #773

Open gbody opened 5 years ago

gbody commented 5 years ago

Using the the analysis-development branch I am seeing the issue where D3 is being included in the procedure declaration in linkiigs at 001056f8 INITCURSORCTL. It appears that D3 is pushed onto the stack at the start of the function and restored from the stack at the end of the function. It appears that D3 is only being used after having a value assigned.

I have included a project file for linkiigs, that has all but four of the procedures named and matched against library procedures/functions.


uxmal commented 5 years ago

Just for clarity: is this a regression or new behavior? The root cause is this:

move.w d3,-(a7)     ; push only the low word of d3
move.w 8(a7),d3     ; trash the low word of d3
move.w 10(a7),d3    ; trash it again
move.w (a7)+,d3     ; restore

which Reko translates to (ignoring all the PSW flags):

sp_1 = fp - 2
wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3
d3_3 = DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0)
d3_4 = DPB(d3_3, wArg0C, 0)
d3_5 = DPB(d3_4, wLoc02_2, 0)
sp_6 = fp

As you can see, there is a chain of DPB expressions that are preserving the high 16-bits of d3. Reko's value propagation algorithm is failing to discover that those high bits could be propagated:

sp_1 = fp - 2
wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3
d3_3 = DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0)
d3_4 = DPB(d3, wArg0C, 0)
d3_5 = DPB(d3, (word16) d3, 0)
sp_6 = fp

That final d3_5 = DPB(d3, (word16) d3, 0) is a no-op and can be replaced with d3_5 = d3. Once that is done, later stages would eliminate wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3 and you would no longer see d3 live-in to your procedure.

This should be a simple fix.

uxmal commented 5 years ago

I spoke too soon: the "real" reason why d3 is kept alive is because of the following phi nodes:

wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3
if (something) 
    d3_3 = DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0)
    d3_4 = DPB(d3, wArg0C, 0)
d3_5 = PHI(d3_3, d3_4)
d3_6 = DPB(d3_5, (word16) d3, 0)

The PHI statement makes it much harder to prove that the high words of the DPBs are not modified as it hides the 'dpb-ness' of d3_3 and d3_4.

Perhaps the following approach would work. Consider d3_6, which is defined by a DPB(d3_5, ...). We want to propagate the knowledge that the high word of d3_5 is the same as the high word of d3. Since d3_5 is defined as the PHI of d3_3 and d3_4, we can perform a transitive traversal of d3_3 and d3_4. We would discover all the reaching definitions DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0) and DPB(d3, wArg0C, 0) have the same high word d3. That would allow Reko to substitute the d3_5 with d3, yielding:

wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3
if (something) 
    d3_3 = DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0)
    d3_4 = DPB(d3, wArg0C, 0)
d3_5 = PHI(d3_3, d3_4)
d3_6 = DPB(d3, (word16) d3, 0)

which simplifies to:

wLoc02_2 = (word16) d3
if (something) 
    d3_3 = DPB(d3, wArg0A, 0)
    d3_4 = DPB(d3, wArg0C, 0)
d3_5 = PHI(d3_3, d3_4)
d3_6 = d3

The notion of "transitive closure of all reaching PHI nodes" occurs elsewhere in the decompiler. An example is in the ConditionCodeEliminator, which needs to perform a transitive closure of all PHI nodes and assignments to track which statements are setting the condition codes we're trying to eliminiate.

A special DPB specific analysis could make use of the "transitive closures" to discover this. I'd still have to do some more research to determine whether this could be generalized to also cover ConditionCodeEliminator, as I'd rather have general algorithms than special purpose ones wherever possible. Ideally, this transformation would be part of the ValuePropagator transformation.

uxmal commented 5 years ago

After look at this some more, it's beginning to dawn upon me that DPB is not very suitable for program analysis. It's making the analyses very awkward because it's not as composable as SEQ. That is, analyzing:

move.w 42(a3),d3

is easier to deal with if the resulting IR is:

tmpLo = Mem0[a5 + 42:word16]
tmpHi = SLICE(d3, word16, 16)
d3 = SEQ(tmpHi, tmpLo)

rather than today's

tmpLo = Mem0[a5 + 42:word16]
d3 = DPB(d3, tmpLo, 0)

The proposed change actually mirrors what is happening with stack-based variables, where no DPBs are generated. Making the change would require changes to the SSA transformer for register variables. I will have to continue my experiments to see if I can resolve the issue.