uxsolutions / bootstrap-datepicker

A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs)
Apache License 2.0
12.66k stars 6.07k forks source link

Call for Developers #1167

Open eternicode opened 9 years ago

eternicode commented 9 years ago

It's been well over a year since I last worked on this; issues, pull requests, and comments have piled up; and I don't see myself returning to work on it anytime soon.

So I'm opening the repo.


If you want to work on bootstrap-datepicker, comment here. I'll add you as a contributor, so you can push code and manage issues/PRs. If you only want to work on one section (eg, cleaning up the tickets), I'm cool with that. (I, of course, reserve the right to not grant access for whatever reason, but I doubt that I'll find many such reasons. :wink: )

Ideally, I'd like to get 5-10 people to start with. Ultimately, I'd like to add any person who has a decent-looking pull request, a la this article. But, for now, baby steps :sweat_smile:. For the foreseeable future, I will probably not serve any significant role in development -- I may pop in for discussion or to add contributors, but I will probably not work with the code very much.

To be clear, I'm not looking for new "project owners". At least not yet. I just want to bring the project out of stagnancy.


I would really only have one rule: don't merge your own changes. Multiple eyes on the code is the whole point of open source. Create an appropriately-named branch in the repo, submit a pull request on that branch, and have someone else review and sign off on it (I wouldn't have any restrictions on who merged it once it's signed off by at least a second person). Obviously there may arise a situation where a single person is maintaining things, so if a PR went weeks without a signoff, the contributor could merge it. But try to get feedback if possible.


I would hope it's obvious, but by pushing code to this repo, you would agree to release that code according to the license under which the project is released. Currently that's the Apache 2 license. If that license should be changed, that should happen sooner than later, as every contributor has to be contacted for such a change. Bootstrap themselves moved from Apache 2 to MIT, which would be my preference, and their issue twbs/bootstrap#2054 should serve as a template for how to go about relicensing.


I have some things I'd like to see done, but (obviously) haven't had the time to do myself. The community may ultimately decide some other path, which is fine, but this will serve as an acceptable starting point:

Goals for the repo -- these probably go without saying, but I will say them anyway:

Goals for the project:

This issue should also serve as discussion of any questions or suggestions you might have about this process.

Let's do this.

abeverley commented 9 years ago

I'd like to express an interest in this. Like you, I'm not able to dedicate any significant time, but I do use this plugin for a variety of projects, and it would be a shame to see it going stale. I also do not have much javascript experience, but hey, everyone needs to learn at some point ;-)

At the moment I'm working on a fix for a bug that causes problems when typing a date into a daterange. The main problem I'm having is understanding why something has been coded, so it would be useful if you were available to state the reason and give guidance. So if that's possible, what's the best way of me asking you? I don't want to open yet another issue for obvious reasons. Once I've got an answer I'll try to submit a suitable pull request.

eternicode commented 9 years ago

@abeverley Awesome! You can email me at eternicode@gmail.com (my profile email) or andrew@eternicode.com (my commit email) with questions, I'll answer as best I can.

acrobat commented 9 years ago

@eternicode I would also like to help maintain this library, just like @abeverley I use this library in some projects and I have basic knowledge of javascript, but I'm hoping to get some extra experience with javascript and getting this project back on track!

First thing todo is to go through the backlog of issues and list "easy pick" issues, so we can fix a lot of issues with a minimum of time/effort and of course start merging some PR's that are already tested by the community

hebbet commented 9 years ago

@eternicode Using that useful Datepicker in a couple of my projects. Would also help in merging pull requests, closing bugs etc.

hebbet commented 9 years ago

@eternicode any news on that?

eternicode commented 9 years ago

@hebbet, sorry for the delay. I've added you now; please coordinate with @acrobat, he's currently trying to clean things up.

hebbet commented 9 years ago

@acrobat feel free to contact me via mail (github@hebbet.de) or through hangouts (pascal.herbert@gmail.com)

acrobat commented 9 years ago

@hebbet I've added you to the bootstrap-datepicker-dev google group!

lukeocodes commented 9 years ago

I'd be interested @eternicode. I've not got massive amounts of time but this is becoming a growing dependency for our sites and I can support issues when I have time.

Azaret commented 9 years ago

@eternicode As I emailed you few months ago I would be glad to help @acrobat and @hebbet in maintaining it.

Eonasdan commented 8 years ago

@eternicode @acrobat @hebbet I have a proposal for you. I've tried emailing @eternicode twice without a response. Is there a place for a private discussion?

acrobat commented 8 years ago

You can always leave a message on the gitter chat or open a topic on our google groups

Is that ok or do you need another way to reach us?

vsn4ik commented 8 years ago

@eternicode I have been helping with the development of this plugin. I could speed up if I had more access. I would be grateful if you add me to the contributors.

History of PR's: https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+author%3Avsn4ik