uyuni-project / uyuni

Source code for Uyuni
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Adapt channel change #8943

Open mcalmer opened 3 months ago

mcalmer commented 3 months ago

What does this PR change?

Currently we have 2 ways in the code how channels are changed.

  1. One is changing the channels first in the Database and send it out to the client after it was changed.
  2. The other way (new) we send the new channels out to the client first and only when the change was performed on the client successfully, we adapt the channels in the database.

The first (old) way has the benefit, that also offline clients change the channels and it can be changed on the client also later by just applying the channel state.

The 2nd way is complicated as new access tokens needs to be generated, but the channel pillar data needs to be manually compiled and send via the state.apply instead of using the standard way by reading the database. Offline minions will not change the channels at all which is a requirement of some users.

This PR try to go back to the 1st (old) way to just perform the changes in the Database and send out the result to the client. If that fail, we do not invalidate the tokens anymore as a new state.apply can fix the situation later.

For this we have to remove asynchronous handling of of things which were done in ChannelsChangeEventMessageAction as the following state.apply for the channels require to have the data in the database and this event is waiting on the main event to be finished. In this one case we execute now this Action Syncronous, while on Distupgrade and other cases we still use it via the message queue.

GUI diff

No difference.


Test coverage


Issue(s): Port(s): ???


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github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

:wave: Hello! Thanks for contributing to our project. Acceptance tests will take some time (aprox. 1h), please be patient :coffee: You can see the progress at the end of this page and at Once tests finish, if they fail, you can check :eyes: the cucumber report. See the link at the output of the action. You can also check the artifacts section, which contains the logs at

If you are unsure the failing tests are related to your code, you can check the "reference jobs". These are jobs that run on a scheduled time with code from master. If they fail for the same reason as your build, it means the tests or the infrastructure are broken. If they do not fail, but yours do, it means it is related to your code.

Reference tests:


Sometimes the build can fail when pulling new jar files from . This is a known limitation. Given this happens rarely, when it does, all you need to do is rerun the test. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For more tips on troubleshooting, see the troubleshooting guide.

Happy hacking! :warning: You should not merge if acceptance tests fail to pass. :warning:

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago
Suggested tests to cover this Pull Request
  • sle_ssh_minion
  • min_salt_install_with_staging
  • proxy_register_as_minion_with_script
  • min_deblike_salt
  • allcli_overview_systems_details
  • min_salt_formulas
  • srv_docker_cve_audit
  • minssh_move_from_and_to_proxy
  • min_salt_install_package
  • min_salt_openscap_audit
  • minkvm_guests
  • min_monitoring
  • min_recurring_action
  • min_salt_minion_details
  • min_rhlike_openscap_audit
  • srv_salt_download_endpoint
  • min_salt_minions_page
  • min_deblike_salt_install_package
  • min_cve_id_new_syntax
  • min_ssh_tunnel
  • min_move_from_and_to_proxy
  • min_ansible_control_node
  • min_bootstrap_script
  • min_rhlike_monitoring
  • allcli_software_channels_dependencies
  • min_cve_audit
  • min_salt_mgrcompat_state
  • srv_reportdb
  • buildhost_bootstrap
  • minssh_salt_install_package
  • allcli_reboot
  • minssh_bootstrap_api
  • proxy_retail_pxeboot_and_mass_import
  • min_rhlike_salt_install_package_and_patch
  • min_deblike_monitoring
  • min_deblike_salt_install_with_staging
  • min_check_patches_install
  • min_rhlike_salt
  • min_salt_lock_packages
  • min_bootstrap_api
  • minssh_ansible_control_node
  • allcli_action_chain
  • min_salt_formulas_advanced
  • min_config_state_channel_api
  • srv_cobbler_profile
  • min_salt_user_states
  • allcli_config_channel
  • min_virthost
  • min_deblike_openscap_audit
  • min_action_chain
  • buildhost_docker_auth_registry
  • min_timezone
  • buildhost_osimage_build_image
  • srv_manage_activationkey
  • srv_advanced_search
  • min_activationkey
  • allcli_software_channels
  • min_bootstrap_reactivation
  • srv_maintenance_windows
  • min_salt_pkgset_beacon
  • proxy_as_pod_basic_tests
  • buildhost_docker_build_image
  • sle_minion
  • min_deblike_ssh
  • min_salt_software_states
  • min_rhlike_ssh
  • minssh_action_chain
  • min_custom_pkg_download_endpoint
  • allcli_system_group
  • srv_manage_channels_page
  • min_bootstrap_ssh_key
  • min_retracted_patches
  • min_change_software_channel
  • min_salt_migration
  • min_project_lotus
  • min_deblike_remote_command
  • srv_monitoring
  • srv_datepicker
  • srv_restart
  • srv_distro_cobbler
  • srv_custom_system_info
  • min_empty_system_profiles
  • allcli_sanity
  • srv_power_management_redfish
  • srv_menu
  • min_config_state_channel
  • srv_user_configuration_salt_states
  • srv_scc_user_credentials
  • srv_cobbler_distro
  • srv_rename_hostname
  • proxy_branch_network
  • srv_group_union_intersection
  • srv_virtual_host_manager
  • srv_power_management
  • srv_power_management_api
  • min_config_state_channel_subscriptions
  • min_bootstrap_negative
  • min_rhlike_remote_command
  • proxy_cobbler_pxeboot
  • srv_first_settings
  • srv_change_password
  • srv_check_sync_source_packages
  • srv_check_reposync
  • srv_disable_local_repos_off
  • srv_cobbler_sync
  • srv_users
  • srv_handle_config_channels_with_ISS_v2
  • srv_channels_add
  • srv_organization_credentials
  • srv_wait_for_reposync
  • srv_handle_software_channels_with_ISS_v2
  • srv_channel_api
  • srv_dist_channel_mapping
  • srv_patches_page
  • srv_push_package
  • srv_create_repository
  • srv_payg_ssh_connection
  • srv_user_preferences
  • srv_notifications
  • srv_clone_channel_npn
  • srv_cobbler_buildiso
  • allcli_update_activationkeys
  • srv_docker_advanced_content_management
  • srv_task_status_engine
  • srv_content_lifecycle
  • srv_delete_channel_from_ui
  • srv_salt
  • srv_logfile
  • min_docker_api
  • srv_enable_sync_products
  • srv_create_activationkey
  • srv_change_task_schedule
  • srv_osimage
  • srv_check_channels_page
  • srv_mainpage
  • srv_sync_channels
  • srv_add_rocky8_repositories
  • srv_activationkey_api
  • srv_delete_channel_with_tool