uzh-ase-fs24 / backend

findMe backend powered by AWS Lambda and Apigateway
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automatically create user profiles and location riddles for testing and developing #39

Closed larsuzh closed 5 months ago

flyingbeat commented 5 months ago

tested using awslocal cli, by appending cli calls like this to the script we can add entries to dynamoDB tables, however we need to also test this using docker compose up. Also the added users need to have the same userId as the users that are on the findme-dev auth0 user base.

awslocal dynamodb put-item --table-name usersTable --item '{ "partition_key": {"S": "USER"}, "user_id": {"S": "66016529f6a6cabe31554181"}, "username": {"S": "flyingbeat"}, "first_name": {"S": "jordi"}, "last_name": {"S": "kueffer"} }' --region eu-central-2