uzh-rpg / RVT

Implementation of "Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras". CVPR 2023
MIT License
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Doubts regarding preprocessing Gen4 #48

Open aayush-v opened 3 weeks ago

aayush-v commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @magehrig, thanks for the great work and open-sourcing the code. I had a couple of doubts regarding the preprocessing. From the above line, I assume the annotation frequency chosen is 10Hz, right?

Also in your paper, it is mentioned that To construct event representations, we consider 50 ms time windows that are discretized into T = 10 bins. This would effectively mean each event frame is formed using events from the previous 5ms?

Is there a reason why the annotation frequency is chosen as 10Hz when the time window is at 20Hz?

magehrig commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, it is 10 Hz for the Gen4 (1mpx) dataset. There are two reasons why I chose 10 Hz:

Yes, 5 ms "event frames".