uzh-rpg / rpg_dvs_evo_open

Implementation of EVO (RA-L 17)
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Pose Tracking Issues with DVS128? #3

Closed rrnyquist closed 2 years ago

rrnyquist commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm currently using this package in conjunction with a DVS128 camera. The pose tracking is very jumpy, and the program almost inevitably crashes. I suspect it has to do with the lower resolution (128x128 instead of 240x180)--you'll notice in the screen shot below that only the upper left corner of the svo display is being used. Screenshot from 2021-07-01 16-26-24

The camera will usually fly out of the scene, crashing the GUI and leaving this error message in the terminal:

REQUIRED process [dvs_tracking-6] has died!
process has died [pid 17992, exit code -8, cmd /home/ant/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dvs_tracking/dvs_tracking_ros events:=/dvs/events remote_key:=/evo/remote_key pointcloud:=dvs_mapping/pointcloud __name:=dvs_tracking __log:=/home/ant/.ros/log/af509da8-daa6-11eb-b294-ec8eb5ff88bf/dvs_tracking-6.log].
log file: /home/ant/.ros/log/af509da8-daa6-11eb-b294-ec8eb5ff88bf/dvs_tracking-6*.log
Initiating shutdown!

I've tried to change the resolution manually, but there are a lot of places where that gets pretty tricky, like dealing with the eigenvectors in test_cameras.cpp.

Any ideas on what might be the issue?

tajisoft commented 3 years ago

I think I got same issue using rosbag replay.

Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS ROS Melodic

Terminal1: roscore Terminal2: rosbag play -r 0.7 evo_flyingroom.bag Terminal3: roslaunch dvs_tracking flyingroom.launch auto_trigger:=true

The tracking was started but terminated after couple seconds. I also have a DAVIS346 but roslaunch dvs_tracking live.launch auto_trigger:=true has never successfully executed.

Any update?

tajisoft@tsubuntu2:~$ roslaunch dvs_tracking flyingroom.launch auto_trigger:=true
... logging to /home/tajisoft/.ros/log/4dce4d54-e43e-11eb-a974-1418c335e341/roslaunch-tsubuntu2-7424.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tsubuntu2:34739/


 * /svo/

 * /calib_file: /home/tajisoft/ca...
 * /camera_name: DAVIS-evo
 * /dvs_bootstrap_frame_id: /camera_0
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/activation_threshold_min: 10
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/activation_threshold_patch_size: 13
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/adaptive_thresholding: True
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/auto_trigger: True
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/enable_visualizations: True
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/events_offset: 0
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/events_scale_factor: 4.0
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/frame_size: 15000
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/local_frame_size: 5000
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/median_filter_size: 1
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/median_filtering: False
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/min_step_size: 15000
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/motion_corrected_topic: /events/image_raw
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/optical_flow_topic: /evo/bootstrap/op...
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/rate_hz: 30
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/unwarp_estimate_eps: 0.0001
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/unwarp_estimate_n_it: 75
 * /dvs_bootstrapping/unwarp_estimate_pyramid_lvls: 2
 * /dvs_frame_id: /dvs_evo
 * /dvs_mapping/accumulate_local_map_once_every: 25
 * /dvs_mapping/adaptive_threshold_c: 7
 * /dvs_mapping/adaptive_threshold_kernel_size: 5
 * /dvs_mapping/auto_trigger: True
 * /dvs_mapping/events_to_recreate_kf: 1000000
 * /dvs_mapping/frame_size: 2048
 * /dvs_mapping/global_point_cloud_skip_first: 15
 * /dvs_mapping/half_patchsize: 1
 * /dvs_mapping/median_filter_size: 15
 * /dvs_mapping/min_batch_size: 20000
 * /dvs_mapping/min_num_neighbors: 2
 * /dvs_mapping/min_num_neighbors_global_map: 2
 * /dvs_mapping/radius_search: 0.2
 * /dvs_mapping/radius_search_global_map: 0.05
 * /dvs_mapping/skip_batches: 0
 * /dvs_mapping/type_focus_measure: 0
 * /dvs_mapping/voxel_filter_leaf_size: 0.01
 * /dvs_renderer_left/display_method: red-blue
 * /dvs_tracking/auto_trigger: True
 * /dvs_tracking/batch_size: 500
 * /dvs_tracking/discard_events_when_idle: True
 * /dvs_tracking/event_map_overlap_rate: 15
 * /dvs_tracking/events_per_kf: 100000
 * /dvs_tracking/frame_size: 5000
 * /dvs_tracking/map_blur: 3
 * /dvs_tracking/max_event_rate: 4000000
 * /dvs_tracking/max_iterations: 200
 * /dvs_tracking/min_map_size: 200
 * /dvs_tracking/min_n_keypoints: 2000
 * /dvs_tracking/noise_rate: 10000
 * /dvs_tracking/pose_mean_filter_size: 5
 * /dvs_tracking/pyramid_levels: 2
 * /dvs_tracking/step_size: 10000
 * /dvs_tracking/weight_scale: 1.0
 * /fov_virtual_camera_deg: 80.0
 * /max_depth: 5
 * /min_depth: 0.4
 * /num_depth_cells: 100
 * /pose_to_tf/relative_to_first_pose: False
 * /pose_to_tf/source_topic_name: /svo/pose_cam/0
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.11
 * /snakify/length: 100000
 * /svo/T_world_imuinit/qw: 1
 * /svo/T_world_imuinit/qx: 0
 * /svo/T_world_imuinit/qy: 0
 * /svo/T_world_imuinit/qz: 0
 * /svo/calib_file: /home/tajisoft/ca...
 * /svo/cam0_topic: /events/image_raw
 * /svo/depth_filter_affine_est_gain: False
 * /svo/depth_filter_affine_est_offset: True
 * /svo/detector_threshold_primary: 8
 * /svo/detector_threshold_secondary: 200
 * /svo/grid_size: 5
 * /svo/img_align_est_illumination_gain: False
 * /svo/img_align_est_illumination_offset: False
 * /svo/img_align_max_level: 3
 * /svo/img_align_min_level: 2
 * /svo/img_align_prior_lambda_rot: 0.0
 * /svo/img_align_prior_lambda_trans: 0.0
 * /svo/init_min_disparity: 25
 * /svo/kfselect_criterion: DOWNLOOKING
 * /svo/kfselect_min_angle: 20
 * /svo/kfselect_min_disparity: 30
 * /svo/kfselect_min_dist_metric: 0.1
 * /svo/kfselect_numkfs_lower_thresh: 70
 * /svo/kfselect_numkfs_upper_thresh: 120
 * /svo/map_scale: 0.6
 * /svo/max_depth_inv: 0.05
 * /svo/max_fts: 180
 * /svo/max_n_kfs: 30
 * /svo/mean_depth_inv: 0.3
 * /svo/min_depth_inv: 1.0
 * /svo/n_pyr_levels: 2
 * /svo/pipeline_is_stereo: False
 * /svo/poseoptim_prior_lambda: 0.0
 * /svo/poseoptim_thresh: 2.0
 * /svo/poseoptim_using_unit_sphere: False
 * /svo/publish_every_nth_dense_input: 5
 * /svo/publish_marker_scale: 0.5
 * /svo/reprojector_affine_est_gain: False
 * /svo/reprojector_affine_est_offset: True
 * /svo/reprojector_max_n_kfs: 5
 * /svo/runlc: False
 * /svo/scan_epi_unit_sphere: False
 * /svo/seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh: 100
 * /svo/update_seeds_with_old_keyframes: True
 * /svo/use_async_reprojectors: False
 * /svo/use_imu: False
 * /tf_to_camera_marker/marker_scale: 0.2
 * /trigger_map_expansion/baseline_threshold: 0.1
 * /trigger_map_expansion/coverage_threshold: 0.4
 * /trigger_map_expansion/number_of_initial_maps_to_skip: 0
 * /trigger_map_expansion/rate: 3
 * /trigger_map_expansion/visibility_threshold: 0.9
 * /virtual_height: 180
 * /virtual_width: 240
 * /world_frame_id: /world

    dvs_bootstrapping (dvs_bootstrapping/dvs_bootstrapping_ef_ros)
    dvs_mapping (dvs_mapping/dvs_mapping_ros)
    dvs_renderer_left (dvs_renderer/dvs_renderer)
    dvs_tracking (dvs_tracking/dvs_tracking_ros)
    pose_to_tf (dvs_bootstrapping/
    rqt_evo (rqt_evo/rqt_evo)
    rviz (rviz/rviz)
    snakify (evo_utils/
    svo (svo_ros/svo_node)
    svo_gui (rqt_gui/rqt_gui)
    tf_to_camera_marker (evo_utils/
    trigger_map_expansion (dvs_mapping/


process[svo-1]: started with pid [7441]
process[svo_gui-2]: started with pid [7442]
process[pose_to_tf-3]: started with pid [7443]
process[dvs_mapping-4]: started with pid [7444]
process[trigger_map_expansion-5]: started with pid [7445]
process[dvs_tracking-6]: started with pid [7446]
process[dvs_bootstrapping-7]: started with pid [7447]
process[tf_to_camera_marker-8]: started with pid [7448]
process[snakify-9]: started with pid [7449]
process[rqt_evo-10]: started with pid [7450]
process[dvs_renderer_left-11]: started with pid [7451]
process[rviz-12]: started with pid [7452]
[ INFO] [1626225089.572187631]: Found parameter: pipeline_is_stereo, value: 0
[ WARN] [1626225089.576618187]: Cannot find value for parameter: set_initial_attitude_from_gravity, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1626225089.579388466]: Cannot find value for parameter: automatic_reinitialization, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.589443313]: Found parameter: calib_file, value: /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/ncamera/DAVIS-evo.yaml
loaded 1 cameras
  name = cam0
  size = [240, 180]
  Projection = Pinhole
  Focal length = (197.316, 197.248)
  Principal point = (128.193, 110.949)
  Distortion: RadTan(0, 0, 0, 0)
[ WARN] [1626225089.595407252]: Cannot find value for parameter: klt_max_level, assigning default: 4
[ WARN] [1626225089.596677258]: Cannot find value for parameter: klt_min_level, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.609561403]: Found parameter: reprojector_max_n_kfs, value: 5
[ INFO] [1626225089.615466313]: Found parameter: max_fts, value: 180
[ INFO] [1626225089.619544898]: Found parameter: auto_trigger, value: 1
I20210714 10:11:29.621528  7447 Bootstrapper.cpp:18] Bootstrapper initially idle: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.624401692]: Found parameter: camera_name, value: DAVIS-evo
[ INFO] [1626225089.648545830]: Found parameter: calib_file, value: /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ INFO] [1626225089.650464234]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ INFO] [1626225089.672737576]: Found parameter: grid_size, value: 5
[ WARN] [1626225089.673895585]: Cannot find value for parameter: reproject_unconverged_seeds, assigning default: 1
[ INFO] [1626225089.704831322]: Found parameter: reprojector_affine_est_offset, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225089.724901233]: Found parameter: reprojector_affine_est_gain, value: 0
[ WARN] [1626225089.729860666]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_min_features, assigning default: 100
[ WARN] [1626225089.732901885]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_min_tracked, assigning default: 80
[ WARN] [1626225089.739296369]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_min_inliers, assigning default: 70
[ INFO] [1626225089.742406004]: Found parameter: camera_name, value: DAVIS-evo
[ INFO] [1626225089.761130269]: Found parameter: init_min_disparity, value: 25
[ WARN] [1626225089.764210249]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_min_features_factor, assigning default: 2
[ WARN] [1626225089.769364482]: Cannot find value for parameter: reproj_err_thresh, assigning default: 2
[ INFO] [1626225089.771798269]: Found parameter: calib_file, value: /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ WARN] [1626225089.775462799]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_disparity_pivot_ratio, assigning default: 0.5
[ WARN] [1626225089.780016242]: Cannot find value for parameter: init_method, assigning default: FivePoint
[ INFO] [1626225089.780392588]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ INFO] [1626225089.794939935]: Found parameter: world_frame_id, value: /world
[ INFO] [1626225089.802273053]: Found parameter: dvs_bootstrap_frame_id, value: /camera_0
[ INFO] [1626225089.809125334]: Found parameter: grid_size, value: 5
[ INFO] [1626225089.811245531]: Found parameter: n_pyr_levels, value: 2
[ INFO] [1626225089.819167688]: Found parameter: detector_threshold_primary, value: 8
[ WARN] [1626225089.835112197]: Cannot find value for parameter: weight_scale_translation, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.841318093]: Found parameter: detector_threshold_secondary, value: 200
[ WARN] [1626225089.847883192]: Cannot find value for parameter: weight_scale_rotation, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225089.850992176]: Cannot find value for parameter: use_edgelets, assigning default: 1
[ INFO] [1626225089.852720690]: Found parameter: n_pyr_levels, value: 2
[ WARN] [1626225089.853782482]: Cannot find value for parameter: use_threaded_depthfilter, assigning default: 1
[ INFO] [1626225089.858509275]: Found parameter: seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh, value: 100
[ INFO] [1626225089.860974740]: Found parameter: scan_epi_unit_sphere, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.863178361]: Found parameter: camera_name, value: DAVIS-evo
[ INFO] [1626225089.865120500]: Found parameter: calib_file, value: /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ INFO] [1626225089.866649905]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/dvs_tracking/parameters/calib/DAVIS-evo.yaml
[ INFO] [1626225089.867492592]: Found parameter: depth_filter_affine_est_offset, value: 1
I20210714 10:11:29.870162  7446 tracker.cpp:58] Field of view: 62.6128
[ INFO] [1626225089.874593942]: Found parameter: depth_filter_affine_est_gain, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.876868134]: Found parameter: max_fts, value: 180
[ INFO] [1626225089.881229723]: Found parameter: radius_search, value: 0.2
[ INFO] [1626225089.891283287]: Found parameter: min_num_neighbors, value: 2
[ INFO] [1626225089.894750744]: Found parameter: unwarp_estimate_n_it, value: 75
[ INFO] [1626225089.896058520]: Found parameter: median_filter_size, value: 15
[ INFO] [1626225089.899083379]: Found parameter: dvs_frame_id, value: /dvs_evo
[ INFO] [1626225089.900348496]: Found parameter: unwarp_estimate_eps, value: 0.0001
[ INFO] [1626225089.901636506]: Found parameter: dvs_bootstrap_frame_id, value: /camera_0
[ INFO] [1626225089.908879888]: Found parameter: unwarp_estimate_pyramid_lvls, value: 2
[ WARN] [1626225089.910584378]: Cannot find value for parameter: max_seeds_ratio, assigning default: 3
I20210714 10:11:29.911413  7447 camera.cpp:21] Distortion type: plumb_bob
[ INFO] [1626225089.915885262]: Found parameter: world_frame_id, value: /world
[ INFO] [1626225089.927241243]: Found parameter: rate_hz, value: 30
[ INFO] [1626225089.935741818]: Found parameter: max_n_kfs, value: 30
[ INFO] [1626225089.936153489]: Found parameter: frame_size, value: 15000
[ INFO] [1626225089.942721845]: Found parameter: local_frame_size, value: 5000
[ INFO] [1626225089.953074702]: Found parameter: enable_visualizations, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225089.953625129]: Found parameter: use_imu, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225089.970868568]: Found parameter: motion_corrected_topic, value: /events/image_raw
[ WARN] [1626225089.993925437]: Cannot find value for parameter: trace_dir, assigning default: /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/src/rpg_dvs_evo_open/svo/trace
[ WARN] [1626225089.998958867]: Cannot find value for parameter: quality_min_fts, assigning default: 50
[ WARN] [1626225090.000671211]: Cannot find value for parameter: quality_max_drop_fts, assigning default: 40
[ WARN] [1626225090.001514258]: Cannot find value for parameter: relocalization_max_trials, assigning default: 50
[ INFO] [1626225090.005663444]: Found parameter: poseoptim_prior_lambda, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.019705799]: Found parameter: poseoptim_using_unit_sphere, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.025811159]: Found parameter: img_align_prior_lambda_rot, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.032357364]: Found parameter: img_align_prior_lambda_trans, value: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.033356951]: Cannot find value for parameter: structure_optimization_max_pts, assigning default: 20
[ INFO] [1626225090.044901471]: Found parameter: map_scale, value: 0.6
[ INFO] [1626225090.045425199]: Found parameter: events_to_recreate_kf, value: 1000000
[ INFO] [1626225090.056462771]: Found parameter: kfselect_criterion, value: DOWNLOOKING
[ WARN] [1626225090.060481998]: Cannot find value for parameter: kfselect_min_dist, assigning default: 0.12
[ INFO] [1626225090.068673753]: Found parameter: kfselect_numkfs_upper_thresh, value: 120
[ INFO] [1626225090.073628176]: Found parameter: dvs_frame_id, value: /dvs_evo
[ INFO] [1626225090.082742086]: Found parameter: kfselect_numkfs_lower_thresh, value: 70
[ INFO] [1626225090.087963723]: Found parameter: world_frame_id, value: /world
[ INFO] [1626225090.091202667]: Found parameter: kfselect_min_dist_metric, value: 0.1
[ INFO] [1626225090.100105046]: Found parameter: auto_trigger, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.100368833]: Found parameter: fov_virtual_camera_deg, value: 80
I20210714 10:11:30.100412  7507 tracker.cpp:150] Spawned tracking thread.
[ INFO] [1626225090.102964088]: Found parameter: kfselect_min_angle, value: 20
[ INFO] [1626225090.103939330]: Found parameter: virtual_width, value: 240
[ INFO] [1626225090.113647928]: Found parameter: kfselect_min_disparity, value: 30
[ INFO] [1626225090.124816863]: Found parameter: virtual_height, value: 180
I20210714 10:11:30.124903  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:63] Focal length of virtual camera: 143.01 pixels
[ WARN] [1626225090.125729299]: Cannot find value for parameter: kfselect_min_num_frames_between_kfs, assigning default: 2
[ INFO] [1626225090.132952976]: Found parameter: img_align_max_level, value: 3
[ INFO] [1626225090.143119349]: Found parameter: img_align_min_level, value: 2
[ WARN] [1626225090.143858545]: Cannot find value for parameter: img_align_robustification, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.150415590]: Cannot find value for parameter: img_align_use_distortion_jacobian, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.152082600]: Found parameter: discard_events_when_idle, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.180154927]: Found parameter: img_align_est_illumination_gain, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.192069671]: Found parameter: img_align_est_illumination_offset, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.196190564]: Found parameter: optical_flow_topic, value: /evo/bootstrap/optical_flow
[ INFO] [1626225090.203537008]: Found parameter: min_depth, value: 0.4
[ INFO] [1626225090.208627383]: Found parameter: max_depth, value: 5
[ INFO] [1626225090.211085755]: Found parameter: num_depth_cells, value: 100
[ INFO] [1626225090.218530149]: Found parameter: poseoptim_thresh, value: 2
[ INFO] [1626225090.220053734]: Found parameter: adaptive_threshold_kernel_size, value: 5
[ INFO] [1626225090.224170270]: Found parameter: adaptive_threshold_c, value: 7
[ INFO] [1626225090.232963286]: Found parameter: update_seeds_with_old_keyframes, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.240991128]: Found parameter: auto_trigger, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.242611141]: Found parameter: use_async_reprojectors, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.243200881]: DepthFilter: created.
[ INFO] [1626225090.243451454]: DepthFilter: Start thread.
[ WARN] [1626225090.246920884]: Cannot find value for parameter: T_world_imuinit/tz, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.251508400]: Cannot find value for parameter: T_world_imuinit/ty, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.253014112]: Cannot find value for parameter: T_world_imuinit/tx, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.257116642]: Found parameter: T_world_imuinit/qz, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.260083073]: Found parameter: T_world_imuinit/qy, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.263455043]: Found parameter: T_world_imuinit/qx, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.268330842]: Found parameter: T_world_imuinit/qw, value: 1
[ WARN] [1626225090.269690353]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_img_pyr_level, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.272117127]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_every_nth_img, assigning default: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.285811639]: Found parameter: publish_every_nth_dense_input, value: 5
[ WARN] [1626225090.289230306]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_world_in_cam_frame, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1626225090.290527522]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_map_every_frame, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.291179006]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_point_display_time, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.291821102]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_seeds, assigning default: 1
[ WARN] [1626225090.293445153]: Cannot find value for parameter: publish_seeds_uncertainty, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.294168790]: Cannot find value for parameter: trace_pointcloud, assigning default: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.296695729]: Found parameter: publish_marker_scale, value: 0.5
[ INFO] [1626225090.387812487]: Found parameter: min_step_size, value: 15000
[ INFO] [1626225090.390962597]: Found parameter: events_scale_factor, value: 4
[ INFO] [1626225090.393259191]: Found parameter: activation_threshold_min, value: 10
[ INFO] [1626225090.395094111]: Found parameter: activation_threshold_patch_size, value: 13
[ INFO] [1626225090.400465104]: Found parameter: median_filter_size, value: 1
[ INFO] [1626225090.403890623]: Found parameter: median_filtering, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.406409016]: Found parameter: adaptive_thresholding, value: 1
[ WARN] [1626225090.463245859]: Cannot find value for parameter: max_events_frames_saved_to_file, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225090.464207936]: Cannot find value for parameter: events_frames_filename_format, assigning default: /media/user/data/example/%06d.bmp
[ INFO] [1626225090.482009807]: Found parameter: use_imu, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.485627701]: Found parameter: runlc, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225090.486066883]: SvoNode: Started Image loop.
[ WARN] [1626225090.491224012]: Cannot find value for parameter: remote_key_topic, assigning default: svo/remote_key
[ INFO] [1626225090.495459758]: Found parameter: cam0_topic, value: /events/image_raw
[ INFO] [1626225090.701045250]: DepthFilter: RESET.
[ INFO] [1626225091.156961951]: Init: Triangulated 428 points
I20210714 10:11:34.411460  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:441] Received a map creation request
I20210714 10:11:34.411518  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:442] Setting KF at time: 1621507187.156961883
[ INFO] [1626225094.413452697]: Found parameter: skip_batches, value: 0
[ WARN] [1626225094.414098841]: Cannot find value for parameter: skip_batches_for_reset, assigning default: 0
[ WARN] [1626225094.414754222]: Cannot find value for parameter: max_event_rate, assigning default: 10000000
[ INFO] [1626225094.416440548]: Found parameter: frame_size, value: 2048
[ INFO] [1626225094.417867134]: Found parameter: min_batch_size, value: 20000
[ INFO] [1626225094.734154766]: Found parameter: type_focus_measure, value: 0
[ INFO] [1626225094.755285339]: Found parameter: min_map_size, value: 200
I20210714 10:11:34.755385  7446 tracker.cpp:233] Received new map: 2835 points
I20210714 10:11:34.755409  7446 tracker.cpp:236] Auto-triggering tracking
[ INFO] [1626225094.757059236]: Found parameter: dvs_bootstrap_frame_id, value: /camera_0
[INFO] [1626225094.757338]: Received map: 2835 points
[ INFO] [1626225094.760492410]: Found parameter: min_map_size, value: 200
[ INFO] [1626225094.761969559]: Found parameter: min_n_keypoints, value: 2000
[ INFO] [1626225094.803492993]: Found parameter: accumulate_local_map_once_every, value: 25
[ INFO] [1626225094.804407904]: Found parameter: global_point_cloud_skip_first, value: 15
[INFO] [1626225095.317874]: Sending update, coverage: 75.8333333333 %, map visibility: 91.0405643739 %, baseline/depth: 0.120505545948
I20210714 10:11:35.319849  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:205] Received command: update
I20210714 10:11:35.324952  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:441] Received a map creation request
I20210714 10:11:35.325054  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:442] Setting KF at time: 1621507187.725544883
W20210714 10:11:35.325161  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184819978883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.819978883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.325682  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184822390883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.822390883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.325791  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184827357883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.827357883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.325886  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184829941883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.829941883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.325975  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184834891883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.834891883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326058  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184839976883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.839976883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326140  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184844866883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.844866883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326220  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184849832883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.849832883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326299  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184854940883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.854940883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326432  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184859634883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.859634883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326522  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184864293883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.864293883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326602  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184866164883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.866164883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326684  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184870962883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.870962883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326786  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184873900883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.873900883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.326913  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184878667883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.878667883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
W20210714 10:11:35.327035  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:540] 1621507184883613883 : Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 1621507184.883613883 but the earliest data is at time 1621507184.886964883, when looking up transform from frame [dvs_evo] to frame [world]
[ INFO] [1626225095.595517100]: Found parameter: type_focus_measure, value: 0
I20210714 10:11:35.615873  7446 tracker.cpp:233] Received new map: 1608 points
[INFO] [1626225095.618413]: Received map: 1608 points
[INFO] [1626225095.639414]: Sending update, coverage: 69.2384259259 %, map visibility: 83.7064676617 %, baseline/depth: 0.0
I20210714 10:11:35.641481  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:205] Received command: update
I20210714 10:11:35.648566  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:441] Received a map creation request
I20210714 10:11:35.648619  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:442] Setting KF at time: 1621507187.966484883
[ INFO] [1626225095.916224117]: Found parameter: type_focus_measure, value: 0
I20210714 10:11:35.938537  7446 tracker.cpp:233] Received new map: 1895 points
[INFO] [1626225095.941523]: Received map: 1895 points
W20210714 10:11:36.249969  7507 tracker.cpp:262] Losing track!
[INFO] [1626225096.311608]: Sending update, coverage: 4.72453703704 %, map visibility: 2.69129287599 %, baseline/depth: 0.484833293231
I20210714 10:11:36.314153  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:205] Received command: update
I20210714 10:11:36.318725  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:441] Received a map creation request
I20210714 10:11:36.318780  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:442] Setting KF at time: 1621507188.422025883
W20210714 10:11:36.529125  7507 tracker.cpp:262] Losing track!
*** Aborted at 1626225096 (unix time) try "date -d @1626225096" if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @                0x0 (unknown)
*** SIGFPE (@0x7fc12dedaaab) received by PID 7446 (TID 0x7fc10d0bf700) from PID 770550443; stack trace: ***
    @     0x7fc12d563040 (unknown)
    @     0x7fc12dedaaab LKSE3::trackFrame()
    @     0x7fc12dee4671 Tracker::estimateTrajectory()
[ INFO] [1626225096.541695355]: Found parameter: type_focus_measure, value: 0
    @     0x7fc12dee4dfc Tracker::trackingThread()
    @     0x7fc12dbea6df (unknown)
    @     0x7fc12c9d36db start_thread
    @     0x7fc12d64571f clone
[INFO] [1626225096.558919]: Received map: 77 points
[INFO] [1626225096.628133]: Sending update, coverage: 0.0 %, map visibility: 0.0 %, baseline/depth: 0.0
I20210714 10:11:36.629930  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:205] Received command: update
I20210714 10:11:36.635160  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:441] Received a map creation request
I20210714 10:11:36.635236  7444 depth_defocus_node.cpp:442] Setting KF at time: 1621507188.600028883
================================================================================REQUIRED process [dvs_tracking-6] has died!
process has died [pid 7446, exit code -8, cmd /home/tajisoft/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dvs_tracking/dvs_tracking_ros events:=/dvs/events remote_key:=/evo/remote_key pointcloud:=dvs_mapping/pointcloud __name:=dvs_tracking __log:=/home/tajisoft/.ros/log/4dce4d54-e43e-11eb-a974-1418c335e341/dvs_tracking-6.log].
log file: /home/tajisoft/.ros/log/4dce4d54-e43e-11eb-a974-1418c335e341/dvs_tracking-6*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[ INFO] [1626225096.809531196]: Found parameter: type_focus_measure, value: 0
[rviz-12] killing on exit
[dvs_renderer_left-11] killing on exit
[rqt_evo-10] killing on exit
[INFO] [1626225096.855204]: Received map: 6509 points
[snakify-9] killing on exit
[tf_to_camera_marker-8] killing on exit
[dvs_bootstrapping-7] killing on exit
[dvs_tracking-6] killing on exit
[dvs_mapping-4] killing on exit
[pose_to_tf-3] killing on exit
[trigger_map_expansion-5] killing on exit
[svo_gui-2] killing on exit
[INFO] [1626225096.992672]: Sending update, coverage: 97.0486111111 %, map visibility: 55.692118605 %, baseline/depth: 0.0
[svo-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
rrnyquist commented 3 years ago

Mine works with rosbag replay. If I start the rosbag first and it starts tracking in the middle of the recording, it doesn't work; but if I start dvs_tracking first, it completes the rosbag without crashing.

In addition to the DVS128, I have a DAVIS346. However, that errors out immediately with:

[dvs_bootstrapping-7] process has died [pid 17023, exit code -11, cmd /home/ant/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dvs_bootstrapping/dvs_bootstrapping_ef_ros events:=/dvs/events remote_key:=/evo/remote_key __name:=dvs_bootstrapping __log:=/home/ant/.ros/log/ffa903fe-e405-11eb-8618-e4a7a021c32f/dvs_bootstrapping-7.log].
log file: /home/ant/.ros/log/ffa903fe-e405-11eb-8618-e4a7a021c32f/dvs_bootstrapping-7*.log
tajisoft commented 3 years ago

@rrnyquist Cool thanks! I'll try it.

rrnyquist commented 3 years ago

Sure thing! Oddly, I'm able to avoid the bootstrapping error mentioned in my earlier comment DVS346 around when I first launch dvs_tracking. Maybe it needs some initial data? This results in a different issue, where it doesn't register enough features to start populating the map. Are you having similar issues with your DVS346?

tajisoft commented 3 years ago

@rrnyquist Thanks for your advice. I successed to play tracking using rosbag play. Next I do a test live.launch with my DVS346. I think I have same error with you. I'll collect error logs to share in this weekend.

tajisoft commented 2 years ago

@rrnyquist Hi, I finally succeeded in live.lanuch with DVS346. But it jumps like this ISSUE. Did you calibrate the camera?

rrnyquist commented 2 years ago

@tajisoft I did calibrate the camera. I think my issue might have had to do with differences between my event camera and the one used for this project. I ended up switching to a different (non-event) camera for my project. Since I'm not working with this software anymore, I'm going to close the issue.

doujiarui commented 7 months ago

May I ask what your parameter settings are? I have poor performance running 640X480 and lack experience in parameter settings.