uzh-rpg / rpg_dvs_ros

ROS packages for DVS
MIT License
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Incomplete instructions #65

Closed nelkabosal closed 6 years ago

nelkabosal commented 6 years ago

First, for novices, it would be good to initially reference to know how to "Setup your sources.list" and "Set up your keys", and I assume I need to "Initialize rosdep"

Furthermore, step 8 appears incomplete; more detailed instructions would greatly benefit novices like myself.

"Only a udev rule is needed to run the DVS driver. An installation script is provided in the package libcaer_catkin. $ roscd libcaer_catkin' (need to source yoursetup.bashfile first, or just do $ cd libcaer_catkin) $ sudo ./` "

What exactly do I need to do for the udev rule? When it references the installation script in libcaer_catkin, is that a prerequisite for roscd? I also got "No command 'roscd' found"; is roscd a typo? Which setup.bash file is sourced? Am I not supposed to worry about that if I do cd ibcaer_catkin? That doesn't seem to help. Bottom line, I'm confused. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

iliis commented 6 years ago

These questions are not really specific to this package, but rather are generic ROS (or even just Linux) questions, which is probably why these things are not explained there. I agree tough that it would help to have more detailed instructions to get up and running with ROS and the packages from RPG.

The whole instructions assume you have a working ROS installation on your system (prefereably Kinetic on Ubuntu). If you need help with that ask me or somebody else at the lab directly ;)

So, to actually answer your questions: After you set up ROS you need to create a ROS workspace: Execute catkin init in the folder of choice. This folder should already contain a (possibly empty) src folder: (step 4)

cd wherever/you/want/
mkdir my_ros_ws
cd my_ros_ws
mkdir src
catkin config --init --mkdirs --extend /opt/ros/kinetic --merge-devel --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

(Note that there are different tools to do these things. The most current is catkin-tools, see You shouldn't need to use rosbuild or catkin_make, even though there are a lot of old instructions on the web using those.) You now should have working catkin workspace. However, step 4 fails to mention that you need to source setup.bash after this, to actually use the workspace. In your workspace, there should now be a devel folder, so you can execute: source devel/setup.bash. This will "load" your workspace (by defining some commands, loading paths etc.). You should now be able to call things like roscd or roslaunch. If you forgot to source the setup.bash file you will get the 'no command "roscd"' error.

For the udev rule all you need to do is copy the file rpg_dvs_ros/libcaer_catkin/65-inilabs.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/. The script does just that ;) So you can either cd manually to the correct dir and copy the udev rule-file by yourself or use roscd to directly jump to the package folder and run the script which does nothing else than copying the file ;)

nelkabosal commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. That helped me get the basic examples to run.