Open Tsugikuni-Yoriichi opened 5 years ago
I find in your code, you have the denoise process. And I think it is the thing what you mentioned with depth uncertainty. But it seems the paramters is not good for my data. Is there any good suggestions on this problem. Thanks in advance for your help.
I have succeed with my own input data. The result is quite nice I think. Really thank you for your great work on this project. I am new to ROS and I don't know in the result file. (1) I saved all the results with "rosbag record -a" which save all the information while running. (2) I can export the point cloud to many .pcd files with " rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd myfile.bag /remode/poincloud ./".
(3) This is my question? What I am interested in is the information containing in the bag file. Mainly are depth map, the images which correspond to the depth map. Are they contained in the bag file? I checked the rosbag with "rosbag info mybag" and I see there are 17 /remode/depth. But I didn't see 17 correspond images.
And by the way, I see the video on youtube. The final step there is a denoising process. It says "denoising by depth map uncertainty". Can you give a reference to this method.