My goal is to verify that SVO is working properly by comparing given camera pose ground truth to that obtained using SVO.
I tried running the airground dataset that was given with SVO (in the install tutorial). It runs fine. I decided to extract the pose information from the bag file using rostopic echo -b aiground.bag -p Rig > file.txt which gives me all the camera pose information in a file. I then tried using rostopic echo svo/pose > experiment.txt while running the sequence using svo as described in the how to. I used the defaults in the test_rig3.launch file.
I want to compare the camera pose data that was obtained using SVO to that found in the airground.bag file. They do not match.
My goal is to verify that SVO is working properly by comparing given camera pose ground truth to that obtained using SVO.
I tried running the airground dataset that was given with SVO (in the install tutorial). It runs fine. I decided to extract the pose information from the bag file using rostopic echo -b aiground.bag -p Rig > file.txt which gives me all the camera pose information in a file. I then tried using rostopic echo svo/pose > experiment.txt while running the sequence using svo as described in the how to. I used the defaults in the test_rig3.launch file.
I want to compare the camera pose data that was obtained using SVO to that found in the airground.bag file. They do not match.