I am trying to get SVO working with stereo setup and imu information. I downloaded the fla_stereo_imu.bag file (from http://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/datasets/fla_stereo_imu.bag) and I ran roslaunch svo_ros fla_stereo_imu.launch on a terminal.
Then on another terminal I ran rosbag play fla_stereo_imu.bag and received the following error:
[ INFO] [1560645271.361267612]: Opening fla_stereo_imu.bag
[FATAL] [1560645271.361464485]: Error reading version line
I am trying to get SVO working with stereo setup and imu information. I downloaded the
file (from http://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/datasets/fla_stereo_imu.bag) and I ranroslaunch svo_ros fla_stereo_imu.launch
on a terminal.Then on another terminal I ran
rosbag play fla_stereo_imu.bag
and received the following error:The rostopic list generated the following topics: