uzysjung / UzysCircularProgressPullToRefresh

Give Pinterest Like PullToRefresh to any UIScrollView with just simple code
MIT License
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Extra padding on top of table view #14

Open btate opened 9 years ago

btate commented 9 years ago

I have a table view in a standard UIViewController. The ViewController is in a UINavigationController with a constraint pinning to the top layout guide. When I do the pull to refresh it looks like it's adding top space for the navigation bar. So everything is offset. After a refresh it keeps that extra inset at the top.

btate commented 9 years ago

This is still there. I can hide the tableview behind the navigation and adjust the content inset to fix it.

prince6179 commented 9 years ago

Change Line 69 and 70 in UIScroll+UzysCircularProgressPullToRefresh.m file to as follows:

view.portraitTopInset = 0.0; view.originalTopInset = 0.0;

It will work just fine. Happy Coding... :)

btate commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Can you add a setter for these properties so I don't have to edit source code that will break on update?

uzysjung commented 9 years ago

please use method "- (void)addTopInsetInPortrait:(CGFloat)pInset TopInsetInLandscape:(CGFloat)lInset; "