For the FakeAnalyzer in (feature branch), the code cannot see "slimmedPhotons".
With almost identical handling of Photon source in other analyzers it works. PhoEfficiencyAnalyzer runs without a glitch. Find the cause for this problem "DataFormat does not contain photon source!".
Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 125679, LumiSection 154 at 28-Jul-2020 06:41:19.139 CDT
----- Begin Fatal Exception 28-Jul-2020 06:41:22 CDT-----------------------
An exception of category 'IllDefinedDataTier' occurred while
[0] Processing Event run: 1 lumi: 154 event: 125679 stream: 0
[1] Running path 'p'
[2] Prefetching for module FakeAnalyzer/'demo'
[3] Prefetching for module VersionedPhotonIdProducer/'egmPhotonIDs'
[4] Calling method for module PhotonIDValueMapProducer/'photonIDValueMapProducer'
Exception Message:
DataFormat does not contain a photon source!
For the FakeAnalyzer in (feature branch), the code cannot see "slimmedPhotons". With almost identical handling of Photon source in other analyzers it works. PhoEfficiencyAnalyzer runs without a glitch. Find the cause for this problem "DataFormat does not contain photon source!".