v-l-m / vlm

Virtual loup de mer (aka Vlm) is an opensource sailing simulation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
27 stars 10 forks source link

Possible NSZ Major issue #812

Closed sbsrouteur closed 9 years ago

sbsrouteur commented 9 years ago

When crossing AM, the segment used for the intersection goes across the globe instead of across the AM thuis creating false NSZ crossing.

To check with JMEME issue today

Phille commented 9 years ago

Ya eu 3 cas jusqu'à présent :(

(283) Checking user 9361: (race 141505) Prev Hdg: 185.939 PIM=2/PIP=118.2/Heading=185.90443875564 Position update (WSpd=14.4, WHdg=67, Hours=0.0831, ANG=118.2, Hdg=185.90443875564, BS=17.992, Dist=1.4943138146421nm) ... done Checking for coast crossing (vlm-c) Using: /home/vlm/vlmdatas/gshhs/gshhs_f.b

Test basic segments intersections 1 0=0 2 1=1 3 R=-1 4 R=-1 6 R=-1 * Processing exclusion zones (DB Loaded exclusion zone 141505)* -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -150 -56 -130 -54 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -130 -54 -125 -53 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -125 -53 -120 -51 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -120 -51 -115 -51 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -115 -51 -110 -53 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -110 -53 -105 -54.5 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -105 -54.5 -100 -57.25 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -100 -57.25 -75 -60 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -75 -60 -70 -59 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -70 -59 -65 -57.75 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -65 -57.75 -60 -56.5 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -60 -56.5 -55 -55 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -55 -55 -50 -53.25 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -50 -53.25 -45 -51 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -45 -51 -40 -48 -179997.96899482 -45297.179474301 179998.38806709 -45321.95257858 -40 -48 -35 -45 Intersection ratio 0.40138881409364

Intersection -179.99943071868 -45.307123144487 *\ YES player 9361 CROSSED (vlmc), Exclusion Zone has been crossed : BOAT : -45.297179,-179.997969 <----> -45.321953,179.998388 EncounterCoordinates -45.307123144487, -179.99943071868

GoogleMap http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=-45.307123144487,-179.99943071868&ie=UTF8&spn=0.0191,0.082998&t=p&z=11&iwloc=addr.

VLMMAP http://virtual-loup-de-mer.org/mercator.img.php?idraces=141505&lat=-45.297179474301&long=-179.99796899482&maparea=18&tracks=on&age=6&list=9361&x=1000&y=600&proj=mercator&text=right&seg1=-45.307123144487,-179.99943071868:-45.307123144487,-179.99943071868&seg2=-45.297179474301,-179.99796899482:-45.32195257858,179.99838806709

VLMMAP corrected position http://virtual-loup-de-mer.org/mercator.img.php?idraces=141505&lat=-45.297179474301&long=-179.99796899482&maparea=18&tracks=on&age=6&list=9361&x=1000&y=600&proj=mercator&text=right&seg2=-45.297179474301,-179.99796899482:-45.297179474301,-179.99796899482

Next Waypoint is 1, checking for WP crossing... 
    * WP   : -55.979000, -67.271000 <---> -64.000000, -60.000000
    * BOAT : -45.297179, -179.997969 <---> -45.297179, -179.997969:  *** NO ***
    *** NWP=1, DNM=3660.591843 
    *** ranking updated.
** Pilotmode=2/0, Angle updated, Heading = 67.704438755637
** DONE ** 
Phille commented 9 years ago

!!! y en a qui s'échouent aussi en passant AM d'Ouest en Est !!!

(227) Checking user 6446: (race 141505) Prev Hdg: 160 PIM=1/Heading=160 Position update (WSpd=14.8, WHdg=21, Hours=0.0836, ANG=138.74, Hdg=160, BS=16.857, Dist=1.4094458997783nm) ... done Checking for coast crossing (vlm-c) Using: /home/vlm/vlmdatas/gshhs/gshhs_f.b

Test basic segments intersections 1 0=0 2 1=1 3 R=-1 4 R=-1 6 R=-1 * Processing exclusion zones (DB Loaded exclusion zone 141505)* 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -150 -56 -130 -54 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -130 -54 -125 -53 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -125 -53 -120 -51 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -120 -51 -115 -51 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -115 -51 -110 -53 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -110 -53 -105 -54.5 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -105 -54.5 -100 -57.25 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -100 -57.25 -75 -60 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -75 -60 -70 -59 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -70 -59 -65 -57.75 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -65 -57.75 -60 -56.5 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -60 -56.5 -55 -55 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -55 -55 -50 -53.25 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -50 -53.25 -45 -51 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -45 -51 -40 -48 179999.30162895 -46905.895544194 -179988.93609714 -46927.969642718 -40 -48 -35 -45 Intersection ratio 0.60603661589802

Intersection -179.99357204882 -46.919273621137 *\ YES player 6446 CROSSED (vlmc), Exclusion Zone has been crossed : BOAT : -46.905896,179.999302 <----> -46.927970,-179.988936 EncounterCoordinates -46.919273621137, -179.99357204882

GoogleMap http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=-46.919273621137,-179.99357204882&ie=UTF8&spn=0.0191,0.082998&t=p&z=11&iwloc=addr.

VLMMAP http://virtual-loup-de-mer.org/mercator.img.php?idraces=141505&lat=-46.905895544194&long=179.99930162895&maparea=18&tracks=on&age=6&list=6446&x=1000&y=600&proj=mercator&text=right&seg1=-46.919273621137,-179.99357204882:-46.919273621137,-179.99357204882&seg2=-46.905895544194,179.99930162895:-46.927969642718,-179.98893609714

VLMMAP corrected position http://virtual-loup-de-mer.org/mercator.img.php?idraces=141505&lat=-46.905895544194&long=179.99930162895&maparea=18&tracks=on&age=6&list=6446&x=1000&y=600&proj=mercator&text=right&seg2=-46.905895544194,179.99930162895:-46.905895544194,179.99930162895

Next Waypoint is 1, checking for WP crossing... 
    * WP   : -55.979000, -67.271000 <---> -64.000000, -60.000000
    * BOAT : -46.905896, 179.999302 <---> -46.905896, 179.999302:    *** NO ***
    *** NWP=1, DNM=3573.829432 
    *** ranking updated.
** Pilotmode=2/0, Angle updated, Heading = 21.256899507714
** DONE ** 
Phille commented 9 years ago

sbs, crois-tu pouvoir trouver une soluce? j'ai fait passer qq bateaux manuelement ...

sbsrouteur commented 9 years ago

oui j'ai un patch qui fonctionne mais j'hésite à mettre en direct sur n2....

maitaivw commented 9 years ago

Hmm le NSZ n'est plus closed vue de qtvlm...

Phille commented 9 years ago

j'ai dû ajouter 2 segments ... et je les avais ajouté derrière les autres ... qtVlm ne marche pas bien avec ça ... j'ai dû changer tous les N° pour les mettre dans l'ordre et alors qtVlm a fermé la zone

sbsrouteur commented 9 years ago

Le fix évite le crash actuel sur la ligne d'antéméridien, mais ne va pas pour un passage de NSZ lors du passage de l'AM (style ligne des 60°S), donc à fixer calmement à tête reposée pour la prochaine release.