v-s-c-o-p-e / geisha_aquarea_panasonic_arduino_esp8266_proxy

Panasonic Aquarea ESP8266 Arduino WIFI Proxy
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

Connection to indoor unit #1

Closed stenjo closed 4 years ago

stenjo commented 5 years ago

Hi! Having an air-to-water Panasonic Aquarea heatpump installed in november this year I might be interested in building on and extending what you have started here. Do you have any documentation on the protocol from the heatpump and where to connect the ESP8266 board for communication with the indoor unit?

stenjo commented 5 years ago

Forgot to mention: My unit is a WH-SDC09H3E5 9kW T-Cap Split - H-generation. I do have a Wifi interface, but the system seems to be proprietary and all I have is a web page with the statistics and data.

v-s-c-o-p-e commented 5 years ago

hi stenjo, i have an F Version WH-MDC05f3e5. i connected an logic analyzer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07K6G55WG) at the indoor remote where the cable from the heatpump unit attaches. there are 4 cables. GND, 5V, RX, TX. Dont know if the H version is similar. You find all the Registers of the F version here. https://github.com/vscope/geisha_aquarea_panasonic_arduino_esp8266_proxy/blob/master/README.md

Egyras commented 5 years ago

Hi All, H series has 2 wires for remote, so this is not a serial connection. Cn-cnt should be used were cloud module connects. CN-CNT TTL UART 9600,8,E,1 1+5V +-250mV
2 TX 3 RX, 4 +12V +-250mV

I have managed to connect and got some data. @Vscope any hints which software to use for serial data analysis, your hex values converted to decimal are the real ones or you need to do some math?

Egyras commented 5 years ago

Here is request from wifi module to heat pump (H-series): 71 6c 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12

Here is the answer from heat pump to wifi module: 71 c8 01 10 56 55 62 49 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 15 11 55 16 5e 55 05 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 8f 80 8a b1 71 71 97 99 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 85 15 8a 85 85 d0 7b 78 1f 7e 1f 1f 79 79 8d 8d 9e 96 71 8f b7 a3 7b 8f 8e 85 80 8f 8a 94 9e 8a 8a 94 9e 82 90 8b 05 65 78 c1 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 55 55 21 53 15 59 05 12 12 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e2 ce 0d 71 81 72 ce 0c 92 81 9a 00 b1 80 98 9a 32 32 9a b2 32 32 32 80 9a 99 ab 99 97 7a 80 7a 80 ff 52 01 09 1e 00 00 b9 08 1b 51 47 01 14 79 01 01 84 02 00 91 02 00 05 00 00 01 00 00 06 01 02 07 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 0f

v-s-c-o-p-e commented 5 years ago

looks like the serial protocoll has changed in the H version. which is obvious since the f version uses a very basic protocol. just decode the hex data and try to find numeric values you know that they shall be transmitted in the stream. like current outdoor temp, flow temperature, water set temperatures. whats the transfer rate on the H version? still 960 baud?

Egyras commented 5 years ago
      looks like the serial protocoll has changed in the H version. which is obvious since the f version uses a very basic protocol. just decode the hex data and try to find numeric values you know that they shall be transmitted in the stream. like current outdoor temp, flow temperature, water set temperatures.

whats the transfer rate on the H version? still 960 baud?

9600 baud ,8,E,1 I will try to decode what is send from wifi module to panasonic cloud. It can be easy and maybe give more "readable" information.

One more intersting thing is that I checked cloud portal and found such values:

o=backgroundDataInfo["0xE1"];var Mode0xE1=Mo.value noOf=backgroundDataInfo["0xF0"];var noOfZone0xF0=noOf.value tank=backgroundDataInfo["0xF9"];var tankCon0xF9=tank.valu var buffer=backgroundDataInfo["0xFA"];var bufferTank0xFA=buffer.value;var sol=backgroundDataInfo["0xA0"];var solar0xA0=sol.value; ar comp=backgroundDataInfo["0x20"];var compressor0x20=comp.value; ope=backgroundDataInfo["0x80"];var operation0x80=ope.value;

operation0x80=="0"){GLOBAL.replaceViewSettingInfo(thermoBar,"function-status-text-033")}else{if(operation0x80=="1 tankCon0xF9=="0" bufferTank0xFA=="0 solar0xA0=="0" Bivalent0xC4=="0" compressor0x20=="0" noOfZone0xF0=="1"

Maybe its just some kind internal conversion, as I expected HEX to DEC value and there they use HEX like variable...

v-s-c-o-p-e commented 5 years ago

https://sigrok.org/ is an open source communication analyzer. https://www.saleae.com/de/downloads/ is a commercial software and runs with cheap 8 channel clones...

Egyras commented 5 years ago

@vscope you could try to use MQTT to send commands via your ProxyESP8266

v-s-c-o-p-e commented 5 years ago

when serial proxy is running i want to implement a webinterface since i dont use mqtt at the moment. however adding an mqtt interface would not be difficult.

Egyras commented 5 years ago

@vscope I'am not good at writing code, can you say what can be changed in your GeishaSerialRemote.ino to get answers from a heat pump to ESP8266 serial. Output is from Hex to DEC as I understand ? Thanks for help !

horyzeli commented 4 years ago

hi stenjo, i have an F Version WH-MDC05f3e5. i connected an logic analyzer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07K6G55WG) at the indoor remote where the cable from the heatpump unit attaches. there are 4 cables. GND, 5V, RX, TX. Dont know if the H version is similar. You find all the Registers of the F version here. https://github.com/vscope/geisha_aquarea_panasonic_arduino_esp8266_proxy/blob/master/README.md

Hi, I have the same F generation, indoor unit: WH-SXC09F3E5, outdoor unit: WH-UX09FE5, great that I've found this topic.. Since the access of data is much more limited compared to the H generation, I'd like to get more data during its operation. Is that possible to get in contact? I also know a person who is an expert in micro controllers and electronics, we may work together to find the solution for this machine as well..

myfirstdatalogger commented 4 years ago

hi stenjo, i have an F Version WH-MDC05f3e5. i connected an logic analyzer (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07K6G55WG) at the indoor remote where the cable from the heatpump unit attaches. there are 4 cables. GND, 5V, RX, TX. Dont know if the H version is similar. You find all the Registers of the F version here. https://github.com/vscope/geisha_aquarea_panasonic_arduino_esp8266_proxy/blob/master/README.md

Hi, I have the same F generation, indoor unit: WH-SXC09F3E5, outdoor unit: WH-UX09FE5, great that I've found this topic.. Since the access of data is much more limited compared to the H generation, I'd like to get more data during its operation. Is that possible to get in contact? I also know a person who is an expert in micro controllers and electronics, we may work together to find the solution for this machine as well..

I would like to participate as well.

This winter I want to develop an system that can:

  1. Log power and temperatures every minute
  2. Can remotely be switched on/off using ESP8266 WiFi capabilities over internet
  3. Adjust heating curve based on an temperature sensor in de room. For example fixed 20,0 degree Celcius at DS18B20.
  4. Gives pre-warning for deice

I am not experienced in programming. But you must set some ambitious goals ;-)

stenjo commented 4 years ago

Just to let you know - if you have not found it yet: There is an active project covering parts of the ambitions in this project: https://github.com/Egyras/HeishaMon Check that one out. I'm using https://github.com/lsochanowski/GoHeishaMon to run on my CZ-TAW1 and that works for my needs.

horyzeli commented 4 years ago

Just to let you know - if you have not found it yet: There is an active project covering parts of the ambitions in this project: https://github.com/Egyras/HeishaMon Check that one out. I'm using https://github.com/lsochanowski/GoHeishaMon to run on my CZ-TAW1 and that works for my needs.

Hello, Thank you, unfortunately that project is for H generation and not applicable for F generation which we have..