v0xie / sd-webui-agentattention

Speed up image generation and improve image quality using Agent Attention.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I don't see any speed improvements on SD 1.5 #1

Open AndreyRGW opened 6 months ago

AndreyRGW commented 6 months ago

I don't see any speed improvements on SD 1.5. There are improvements in quality, but not in speed.

v0xie commented 6 months ago

Try adjusting the ratio / agent ratio hyper-parameters. IIRC higher ratio trades quality for speed.

silverace71 commented 6 months ago

no speed improvement or changes really... at all? Images using the same speed, and different values yeild no change or speed difference.

BigMeatyClaws commented 6 months ago

To get speed improvements you need to play with parameters (not worth it in my opinion) and increase ratios or sx/sy. I really wish there was some simple docs on what each parameter does for idiots like me.

Disguised-Giraffe commented 5 months ago

Try adjusting the ratio / agent ratio hyper-parameters. IIRC higher ratio trades quality for speed.

yep, https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/Agent-Attention/tree/master/agentsd this graph from the official Agent Attention repo is showing that.

any ratio at least below 50% is still increasing the image quality score. It seems like at te very least the extension could be useful for image generation times with some potential to quality. Given the graph and the default values being at near the higher %'s they showed in that test, I'm going to trust the default values. The default agent ratio is also 0.95. I'm wondering if that's to get the most out of the speed boost because lowering it wouldn't lose too much of the "effectiveness" of the extension. 0.95 is way higher than any of the graphs show. EDIT: My thinking the agent ratio at 95% should be an okay default was a misunderstanding of the Second Pass and it's default of 40%. So if Second Pass is used maybe it's good to have the first agent ratio value at 95% and if not it should be 40%?

I can't say I'm really seeing the quality boost either and my pc is quite old so I always expect longer times to make an image. I do have a lot of addons and Agent Attention doesn't seem to generate errors in combination. So it could be worth keeping. I'd be interested in seeing any image comparisons with the extension on vs off. The focus and subjects in the sample pictures are very focused and simple, without a lot going on in the foreground or background. High resolution digital or concept art is more of my thing.