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Documentation for Salty Chat (TeamSpeak 3 based Voice Plugin)
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TeamSpeak 3 keeps crashing #46

Open BUBULUBU opened 2 years ago

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Hey there!

I've got an issue, my teamspeak keeps crashing if:

Is that an known bug? Many other players has the same issue on the server. Hopeful anyone could help how to fix that problem. The server and me are using the stable version 3.0.3.


BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

That seems to be a common issue if you have other plugins installed that accesses the voice stream, like rp soundboard, clownfish, etc. If you have such a plugin, disable or uninstall it and see if that fixes it.

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Ah I am going to try that and will send a response asap :)

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Well.. okay I uninstalled every single plugin in teamspeak. My installed plugins:

As soon as I "spam" a few times the radio, it keeps crashing :( You may got another fix for that?

BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

Can you provide the crashdump (%appdata%\TS3Client\crashdumps)?

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago


BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

In that case you received a voice stream from another client who had no valid player state or was dead. For that case the plugin checks if you are in a swiss channel, to decide whether to mute the stream or not. While checking if the parent channel is a swiss channel, TeamSpeak raised 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000008. The crash is most likely caused by disconnecting from the server while receiving a voice stream and the plugin not being able to check the parent channel.

2021-11-06 22:59:25.788027|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Connect status: Disconnected
2021-11-06 22:59:25.789027|INFO    |ClientUI      |1  |Disconnected or forced to leave, want autoreconnect = 0
2021-11-06 22:59:26.105063|        |KeyBindings   |   |Default monitoring disabled >> Crash
BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

So you can tell me how to fix that?

Btw.: Kannst du deutsch? (Do you speak german?) Ist mir eben aufgefallen, weil ihr einen deutschen Standort habt (Impressum).

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Ich sags mal so.. das haben extrem viele Spieler bei uns auf dem Server. Das macht das RP umso schlimmer, vor allem wenn man viel funken muss. Ich habe das nämlich gerade mit nem Kollegen im selben Funkkanal alleine getestet & mich hat es halt raus geworfen dann (crash).

BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

We have an international user base, that's why we only communicate in english through public channels. I highly doubt that this case is one that many users face, it's very uncommon to disconnect from the TeamSpeak server mid game and still receive a voice stream, because TeamSpeak shouldn't receive them while disconnecting.

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Oh okay thats fine, sorry for that. I understand the problem, but is there a way to fix that? Any solution we as server owner can do or are you guys able to fix this?

BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

Why do you want to fix this issue so badly? Are your players constantly disconnecting and reconnecting to the TeamSpeak server? This makes no sense.

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

We're having a roleplay server and player are leaving and joining like every minute? And the crash is really annoying, like if you're about to talk with them over the radio while having an rp situation as a police officer as example. It really happens often.

BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

I think you didn't get it. YOU have to disconnect while receiving a voice stream and being ingame, that's still an edge case because you shouldn't even receive voice streams while disconnecting. This case/crash has nothing to do with other players connecting/disconnecting.

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Yea I understand that. My problem is: I am talking ingame with another player via radio or more players (police radio). As soon as I or the other player is talking to often over the radio channel, he gets a ts3 crash. But in rare cases it crashs randomly for no reason, just by standing in the same room with others and listening to them.

BlackFlash5 commented 2 years ago

Then provide a crashdump for such a case, the one you provided shows a completely different case.

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Okay sure I will. As soon as I get that crash again I will provide that. Going to play on the server tomorrow so.. have a great night and thank you very much for your time ;)

BUBULUBU commented 2 years ago

Hey @BlackFlash5 here are a few crashdumps from some of my players maybe it helps to find out what causes the problem? I will provide more crashdumps as soon as I receive some more. I just did a collection so don't worry why its just 1 file there are like 15 files in it Collection_Crashdumps.zip ;)