Since this is the kind of application you may wish to set up once and forget about, it would be extremely useful to let it run in background. With desktop notifications already in place not much remains to be done to get it working.
The biggest hassle is going to be support for libportal-free autostart, but all I'll have to do is bundle a specialized desktop file.
A note for self: D-Bus activation won't do for autostart files due to needing to pass an argument for staring and staying in background. It would be handy if there was a way to communicate background launch over D-Bus.
Since this is the kind of application you may wish to set up once and forget about, it would be extremely useful to let it run in background. With desktop notifications already in place not much remains to be done to get it working.
The biggest hassle is going to be support for libportal-free autostart, but all I'll have to do is bundle a specialized desktop file.
A note for self: D-Bus activation won't do for autostart files due to needing to pass an argument for staring and staying in background. It would be handy if there was a way to communicate background launch over D-Bus.