Closed loss-and-quick closed 2 years ago
Hey, @minibox16! Thanks for your report.
Unfortunately, you have cut out a lot of information from the log, even the type of exception. So I can't pinpoint exactly what the problem was.
Found this on stackoverflow "invalid syntax file "
Please share your solution if you found it. Best regards, v1a0
Hey, @minibox16! Thanks for your report.
Unfortunately, you have cut out a lot of information from the log, even the type of exception. So I can't pinpoint exactly what the problem was.
Found this on stackoverflow "invalid syntax file "", line 1", so guess you have to try another python version.
Please share your solution if you found it. Best regards, v1a0
I found solution i just installed python 3.9 )
I wrote the project and ran it on my main computer and everything works, but when I try to run this project on raspberrypi zero w I get an error (see below)