v1s1t0r1sh3r3 / airgeddon

This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.35k stars 1.17k forks source link

Kali Linux iptables1.8.2 issue #219

Closed xpz3 closed 5 years ago

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

What is your airgeddon version?

The current latest version pulled from github 8.12

What is your Linux O.S. and which version?

Kali Linux 2019.1, kali-rolling repository using LinuxDeploy on rooted phone

Which is the chipset of your wireless card?


Describe the issue and the steps to reproduce it

Im trying to use captive portal. It's working good but there is a problem with IPtables. Im having 1.8.2 version of IPtables so dports option isn't working. while starting captive portal,its showing error msg like --dports argument is invalid. iptables-legacy is present and it should work. do I need to change the source code of airgeddon to replace any IPtables with iptables-legacy or is it a known issue having a solution? I don't know how to switch back to 1.6 version of iptables

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

I'd like to add by saying that I'm able to capture passwords even with IPtables not working but I need to disable my phone's wifi or mobile data connection. If I leave the wifi or mobile data on, the captive portal doesn't work, that is, on the client side fake page redirection will not happen. If I turn off the wifi and mobile data, the fake page loads and captures the password. I'd like to know whether this issue is caused by the IPtables not being able to set forwards. Anyway very nice script. It's pretty fast even on arm. Im using OnePlus 3 phone.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Hello, if you are using "strange devices" like LinuxDeploy arm or similar stuff and your iptables are old... I can suggest you to update them to use standard iptables. As you can imagine we are not going to do code modifications only for that specific case. Anyway, if using iptables-legacy instead of iptables, you can try on your own to replace the iptables commands. If I can remember well, all of them are concentrated in just few functions:

save_iptables restore_iptables clean_iptables set_std_internet_routing_rules

You can modify the code of that functions in order to make it work with your iptables-legacy commands. And probably you'll need (to bypass the dependency check) to modify the optional_tools_names array and replace also iptables there.

I'm going to close this because it is not a bug. But anyway, feel free to ask here. We can try to help. Regards.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Actually the IPtables are not old. It's in fact the latest version installed from kali repository. The problem with latest version is that it's usage have changed. I think anyone installing kali Linux on laptop from the latest repository will arrive at the same scenario. The resolution I think would be to change the source code to iptables-legacy, iptables-legacy-save etc or switch to an older version of IPtables like 1.6.2. Another possible solution would be to rename iptables-legacy to IPtables and remove the original IPtables binary file. I don't know whether the last one would work or not. I came across the same issue with another similar tool. I posted this just in case anyone running into the same scenario would be benefited. I think arm devices are becoming prominent now a days and a tool like airgeddon would be very easy to use on a supported mobile device than a laptop. I want to mention that it was very easy to setup airgeddon tool on my mobile device and Im able to capture passwords with ease and above all everything fits in my pocket...! Thanks for the tool anyways. Can you confirm whether or not the IPtables issue has something to do with fake portal not working with mobile data/mobile internal wifi on?

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

If that is true, I'll check. I have a virtual machine with Kali. I'll do a complete dist-upgrade and I'll test. If it is failing because new iptables is different we can do changes to detect this and modify the commands to make it work always. Thanks for reporting, we will check and get back to here. Give us some days. Regards.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Alright man.thanks Just for info see below

root@localhost:~# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Kali GNU/Linux Rolling" NAME="Kali GNU/Linux" ID=kali VERSION="2019.1" VERSION_ID="2019.1" ID_LIKE=debian ANSI_COLOR="1;31" HOME_URL="https://www.kali.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://forums.kali.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.kali.org/"

May i know the iptables version on your kali vm?

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Sorry but I'm not able to reproduce it. I have a Kali fully upgraded. It has iptables and iptables-legacy installed. Both of them are v1.8.2


I launched captive portal on v8.12 and everything was working fine. I modified all the code replacing the mentioned above functions in order to use iptables-legacy instead of iptables and I did another test.... and everything worked fine again. No errors... I connected in both cases to the fake created network and all were fine.

Hmmm..... maybe the main difference is that my Kali is amd64 standard and you are testing in an ARM environment... I have also a OnePlus 3 with LinuxDeploy. I'll try to install Kali and once fully upgraded to the latest stuff I'll try to reproduce it... but I guess I'll need for that an OTG cable to plug an Alfa wireles card to the phone.... I'll try to reproduce it, but too much work for a very very rare scenario my friend... can you test on other standard kali? I bet that it will work flawlessly.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Yes on standard kali it's working fine. I tried IPtables command on my phone and dports error shows up. No need to try on airgeddon. Reproduce with oneplus3- Linux deploy -kalirolling check IPtables version- type that option in terminal with dports option. This is the quickest way to reproduce.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Just take your time. No need to support a specific device. But since there are lot of users trying to make everything work on mobile devices, I thought i could point out an error relating to IPtables.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Yes, the problem is related to your iptables... but I can tell that iptables v1.8.2 and iptables-legacy v1.8.2 (both of them) support the --dport option. So you have some kind of problem on your iptables that must be fixed. Try to use a clean installed system or something similar. So the problem finally is not related to airgeddon, it seems it is related to your iptables.

On my side I'll try to reproduce it using Kali on LinuxDeploy, will see if able to reproduce it. Now yes again 😄 closing.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Yea alright buddy.Check it with your linuxdeploy when you find time. And yes the problem is in no way related to airgeddon. :D I hope it's legal to post a screenshot. Please delete otherwise screenshot_20190123-220135

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Another workaround without touching the source code on Kali-Rolling via LinuxDeploy

  1. Install Kali-Rolling via LinuxDeploy
  2. Install dependencies for airgeddon
  3. apt-get remove iptables
  4. change repository to sana(edit /etc/apt/sources.lst and change the repository to http://old.kali.org/kali sana main contrib non-free
  5. apt-get update
  6. Install iptables with apt-get install iptables
  7. Change the repository back to Kali-Rolling Now the iptables error is gone.
OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the tips.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

I have another problem and didn't want to open another thread as i saw a similar closed issue.
After launching fake portal and capturing a password, you cannot run another fake portal attack without restarting the chroot container. The services used in the first instance still runs. Hostapd shows error and the webserver says that the port is already in use.

service network-manager restart Or service networking restart doesn't solve the issue. I've also tried airmon-ng check kill. What command can be used to reset all interface and service back to normal so that chroot need not be restarted? See the screenshot for hostapd screenshot_20190124-090226

another small error msg (doesn't affect functionality) I'd like to notify you. When you press enter without selecting a network adapter it shows 'expected integer value' or something. But then it prompts to enter the option again so functions fine.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Sorry, but on a "standard" linux, if that kind of issue is appearing is enough restarting network manager. I can't tell you what to do. In fact, I can't install Kali on Linux Deploy right now. It seems now the download of the images is not free 😢 . Time ago I was able to download images without any restriction but right now is not possible. So it will require more time for me in order to be able to reproduce your stuff.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Using LinuxDeploy isnt that hard now. Install LinuxDeploy Goto properties Select distribution kalirolling, arm or arm64 for OnePlus 3 Choose file or directory install Give the repository as http://kali.download/kali Enable ssh and vnc Choose user as root and password as root for easy login Click install from menu After installation, click configure from menu Install vnc viewer from play store Press start on LinuxDeploy Connect with vnc or ssh Download and install airgeddon and dependencies That's it. YOU DON'T NEED FULL KALI IMAGE FOR THIS. You can check the issue and support arm and arm64 more in future if lots of users are interested. But searching the youtube and other forums we can see that thereare plenty of users trying to install these kind of tools on their mobile devices. So maybe in future this tool will be used by many on phones. Most of the users are using nethunter which is kinda outdated now. Using LinuxDeploy, you can install more recent distros. With the kernel patch for your device, you can use monitor mode and injection. It takes only half an hour to set this all up.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

The issue was caused due to hostapd and lighttpd processes running in the background.

Solution Open terminal and issue two commands

  1. kill -9 `pgrep hostapd`
  2. kill -9 `pgrep lighttpd`
  3. Remove and reinsert the usb otg wifi card. Now evil twin portal works fine and captures password. Every time after stopping the evil portal with or without capturing password, the above three steps need to be done or else the chroot need to be restarted. Maybe its easier to include the above commands in the source code when the evil twin portal was stopped with or without password captured. It feels good to have all these on my phone that fits in my pocket. lol
OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

The code after a captive portal attack is doing this:


So it is already killing it and usuallly it is doing it flawlessly without using any special signal so -15 sigterm is enough. It seems for you it is not enough and the kill -9 (sigkill) is needed but this must be because something special for you due some special configuration you have. I can't tell you the reason, it maybe a lot of factors (driver, card, O.S., etc). Anyway it is an external problem, so for the moment we are not going to perform any change on code.

Regarding LinuxDeploy... I'm not able to install a Kali (or any other) image. It seems this last release is not working for me for some reason. Maybe I can try to download an older apk to try again. Maybe one day I'll be able to reproduce your stuff... for now I can't, sorry.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

No problem for now the workaround is good for me. No need to do anything just for me. If you want to support arm devices in future, i can upload a working image of OnePlus3 as we have the same device. It seems that your LinuxDeploy installation properties is causing the problem. Also you need to allow root permissions for LinuxDeploy to work. As i said earlier, there is no rocket science for setting up LDeploy. Im sure either root permission or configuration of the container or repository address maybe incorrect.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Forgot to say that you need to install BusyBox as well I checked and found that killall was missing on my linux. Kill was installed. So ill install killall now. So the problem is that linuxdeploy installs as minimal os version. You need to install missing tools by yourself. Thanks for helping man.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

I know how to do it. I did in the past.... usually it's an easy task, I know all the stuff about busybox and root permissions... I'm just getting errors while LinuxDeploy is trying to create the partitions... it is something related to the new version of Linux Deploy, believe me... I need more time to test (try and error) but now I'm very busy.

P.S. airgeddon is supporting arm devices, it works flawlessly on Raspberry PI. It was tested on Rpi, RPi2 and Rpi3 using Kali, Raspbian and Parrot. It seems the problem is only on this rare scenario. That's the reason I'm trying to configure it for me.... to test.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Man dont install it to partitions. Install it as a directory. It works flawlessly.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

I moved forward on this "odyssey". Finally I was able to configure Kali on Linux Deploy. As I said, something is happening with the latest apk. I downloaded a couple of versions before from their github and it worked like a charm.

Ok, now I have Kali installed. After installing tons of packages, airgeddon dependencies, configure vnc and ssh server to connect to it from my computer or even from the phone using a client, etc etc etc... now I have almost all working.

Now I have a new problem. I plug any of my alfa wireless cards (I have three different) to the OTG cable and Kali is not recognizing any of them. I tried connect, reconnect, plug, unplug, reboot Kali, reboot phone, etc... maybe I'm missing something, not sure now. Even the light of any of the Alfa cards is not lighting...

As you can see on this screenshot, I'm close. On the screenshot you can see only the internal card which is not supporting monitor mode (it appears twice as 22 and 23 but is the same card).


Any suggestion? I need more time to get deeper on this... I think my OTG adapter cable is ok. I didn't used it for a long time but it used to work time ago. 😢

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

You nee to install usbutils and issue the command lsusb. If your adapter shows up, then the driver is ok. Or else you need to install a supporting kernel. Im using oxygenos 4.0.2 stock rom wit the boeffla kernel fir OnePlus 3 edited by zanezam. You could also install the kernel from nethunter wiki for oneplus 3 for OxygenOS, which is also by zanezam. No need to install nethunter. Install only the kernel. So the steps would be

  1. Install OxygenOS
  2. Install SuperSU version SuperSU-v2.82-201705271822.zip
  3. Install kernel - boeffla kernel or oosnethunter4.x.x kernel
  4. Install BusyBox
  5. Install LinuxDeploy, vnc viewer, ssh client
  6. Configure LDeploy for kali and install to a directory if possible rather than a file or partitions.
  7. Check lsusb to check for the wireless card.
  8. If it shows up but wlan1 is not getting detected, you need to insmod the driver modules. In my case i use

busybox insmod /system/lib/modules/ath9k_htc.ko busybox insmod /system/lib/modules/mac80211.ko You need to insmod your wifi card modules just change the name. Im using tplink wn722n.

  1. On every reboot you need to insmod the modules if lsusb shows the wificard but wlan1 not showing automatically if nothing is working for you i can upload my system.img, boot.img and data.img. you just need to flash that and everything will be installed. Also if you installed a previous version of LinuxDeploy, make sure you are still using the Kali-Rolling repository. Regarding your partition issue with the latest LinuxDeploy, i think you are using BusyBox by stericson. For partitioning to properly work i think you need to install BusyBox by meefik. I also had the same issue earlier but 2 years back. But niw i dont install it to file or partition and im using install to directory instead, and there is no partitioning. The benefit of using directory is that you can edit or replace any file from the host android rather than editing inside ssh or vnc. For example, you can edit the sources.lst file using a root browser from android rather than leafpad or vi or nano inside LinuxDeploy. Im happy to help you with this.
xpz3 commented 5 years ago

The insmod should be done on Android terminal emulator or termux as root and not in LinuxDeploy

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

I've installed Kali Nethunter in the past, I know how to do it... in fact I still have the apk installed (3.15.4) but I removed the kernel time ago because as you know, Oneplus3 is not officially supported. The kernel I put time ago was the boeffla kernel. With it, Nethunter was working but the flashlight stopped to work. So, after some testing I had to decide (nethunter or flashlight). Finally I uninstalled the kernel because I use flashlight almost every day. I'm disconnected from Kali Nethunter news since more than a year but I can see there is no new version since it. It seems "abandoned". Maybe now there is a newer improved kernel allowing to work with everything (Nethunter and all the standard mobile phone functions including flashlight and camera). I'll check.

Regarding packages... sure, I have usbutils package. As you can see in airgeddon's documentation is one of the internal tools used by airgeddon (not checked but good to have and used if present), and of course I installed all the needed packages for airgeddon: https://github.com/v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon/wiki/Internal%20Tools

I have official Oxygen 5.0.8 with latest patches. SuperSU v2.82-SR5, Busybox by Stephen Erickson as you said and I had this working in the past even using this Busybox so I guess this is not the problem. Probably the problem is the Kernel. I'm going the check this. Which kernel version are you using? is everything working for you with it? I mean Nethunter, camera and flashlight, etc... If yes, can you provide a link?

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

I'll try this which is the latest: https://kernel.boeffla.de/oneplus3/boeffla-kernel-oos/oos5xx_download/Stable/

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

The official boeffla kernel will not work as it doesn't have the drivers required for monitor mode and injection. There's another modified version from boeffla source with all the drivers but unfortunately the kernel has no support for camera and hence the torch/flashlight wont work. Im using nougat 4.0.2 OOS. Both modified boeffla and the one from nethunter for OOS 4.x.x works fine for me.

Im currently using multirom. Latest OOS Oreo OS as primary and this nougat version 4.0.2 OOS as secondary. Camera and everything works in primary rom 5.x.x with official kernel and linux tools work on secondary rom 4.x.x. Here are the links for the modified kernels from boeffa source. This is for oneplus 3 only and not oneplus 3t https://m.mediafire.com/folder/z2hcao6kc2lnc The xda page https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-3/oneplus-3--3t-cross-device-development/kernel-boeffla-kernel-linaro-uber-t3455888

The official boeffla wont work. It doesnt have any drivers for monitor mode and injection.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Im not using nethunter. Its old and not maintained. You will get all outdated tools since it comes as package. Im using official OOS 4.0.2 with only modified kernel i.e. the kernel built frim boeffla source for oneplus 3.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Make sure you flash the version having nethunter in its name.all others WONT WORK. The first link in the media fire is a kernel for nethunter and hence it contains drivers for all usb adapters. Again if you are confused, you dont need to install nethunter ROM you need to install only the kernel for nethunter which has the drivers. To be precise you need to download the following link for OOS 5.x.x https://www.mediafire.com/file/b4xczg0000j1stv

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I see is the same "shit" as time ago. This stuff hasn't evolution. There is no kernel for Oneplus3 supporting all (Nethunter, flashlight, camera).

I'm not going to set dual boot on my phone and I'm not going to change my ROM which works very well, and for sure I need all the standard phone features working (camera, flashlight)... so... maybe I can install temporarily a kernel to make work the usb drivers just for testing and then restore my official kernel. That's all I'll do. Donwloading this kernel you linked...

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

I have compiled a kernel for oreo on oneplus3 but not for oos, it was for lineage. Camera and usb adapters drivers were working well. But i like stock oos and if i could successfully build a kernel for oos with drivers and test it to be stable with all stock features working, ill post a link.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Checking my old Oneplus stuff I saw that I was fighting on this time ago... I finally found a kernel supporting Nethunter, flashlight and camera.... but there are more problems. As you can see, I made a post on the XDA forum on boeffla's thread one year ago:


On that post, I'm reporting to him that Nethunter, camera and flashlight is working ok but.... Android auto is not working when plugged into the car. This is a stuff a really need because I use it everyday on my car... I remember now this was one of the reasons to remove the kernel and why I abandoned this researching.

If you compile a kernel for oreo on oneplus3 for OOS with usb support, keeping flashlight and camera working, and without breaking Android Auto stuff let me know. I could be very grateful for that. That could be awesome!

Anyway, I'll try as I said in my last post to put temporarily a kernel with usb support just for testing... but I can't remember now how to get back to the original kernel. Not sure if original kernel can be flashed in the same way as we flash the custom kernels or if it is only included with the original ROM and all the "package" must be flashed. Thanks for your support on the Android stuff.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

To flash the original kernel download the original rom and open with winrar or winzip or any archive manager. Then extract the boot.img from i flash it with twrp. Done As for android auto, my car doesn't support it so i cant test it. Ill let you know if i succeed. I saw the reply from boeffla and he says that its not official

Hi, thanks for your comments. I have no opinion on the Nethunter stuff, as this is not included in my official kernel. So it seems you are reusing a version done by ZaneZam.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago


I downloaded the last original rom from oneplus: https://www.oneplus.com/es/support/softwareupgrade/details?code=4

So now I can try and then get back. I'll try to reproduce your problem flashing the custom kernel you suggested before.

Let me know if you succeed compiling that new kernel. That could be awesome. Sadly I have no knowledge about Android stuff and I can't help here... maybe I can help only testing.

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

I must also say that you should try out multirom when you have time. Its working great for me. Stock untouched rom is separated so you wont lose any functionality. Isolate the Linux stuff on a secondary rom. For me its working good. No data loss, freeze etc etc

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Attempt failed... this is the report:

I installed this kernel you suggested: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b4xczg0000j1stv/Boeffla-kernel-3.0-OOS5xx-nethunter-V1-OnePlus3-aa64u541-2019-01-16-115549-anykernel.recovery.zip After installing it, Nethunter is working ok, flashlight and camera is working ok, but other stuff is not working: Linux Deploy Kali machine is not detecting the wireless cards... no matter what I plug. lsusb output is empty. Same on Kali nethunter... so if there is no hardware, no matter about driver or insmod stuff... not sure what to do. Ahh I forgot, and the Android Auto stuff is not working. I plug it on the car and it doesn't work... bad business 😞

Tomorrow I'll try another kernel and I'll perform another try.

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Round 2 failed... I installed this kernel (https://kernel.boeffla.de/oneplus3/boeffla-kernel-oos/oos5xx_download/Stable/) and exactly the same result as the first attempt with the other kernel: camera working, nethunter working, flashlight working, usb cards not detected on linux deploy machine, android auto didn't tested but it doesn't worth the time to test if usbs are not detected on Ldeploy machine.

Searching for more kernels...

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

There is only one kernel for your OOS version. Can you give me your WhatsApp or any other contact method? Your kernel version should look similar with nethunter in the name. See below screenshot_20190127-042851 Where did you issue the lsusb command? In LinuxDeploy terminal or android terminal? Is it empty or showing something? See below for my lsusb results. First image is on android termux screenshot_20190127-043112 Second one below on LinuxDeploy ssh via Connectbot screenshot_20190127-043148

xpz3 commented 5 years ago

Also I'd like to know your wireless card chipset. It should be compatible with nethunter to work in LinuxDeploy. You can check the compatibility list The following chipsets are supported by default in most, if not all, NetHunter kernels:

Atheros ATH9KHTC (AR9271, AR7010)

Ralink RT3070

Realtek RTL8192CU

The following devices are confirmed to be working with a NetHunter build:

TP-Link TL-WN722N TP-Link TL-WN822N v1 - v3 Alfa Networks AWUS036NEH (recommended by @jcadduono) Alfa Networks AWUS036NHA Alfa Networks AWUSO36NH Panda PAU05 Nano The following devices are confirmed to be partially working with a NetHunter build:

Alfa Networks AWUS051NH (dual band 5 GHz support may be unreliable) The following devices are confirmed to NOT be working with a NetHunter build:

TP-Link TL-WN822N v4

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

Yeah, you can contact me by mail if you want (is in my github's profile), then I can give you by mail my Telegram or whatever to continue the researching there.

I have three different Alfa cards, one Atheros and two Ralink. Same behavior using any of them: Atheros ATH9KHTC (AR9271) Ralink RT3070 Ralink RT3572

None of them is detected. As I said, Kali Nethunter is working, flashlight and camera are working flawlessly but I have 3 main problems:

I tried different kernels, but my kernel right now is the latest Boeffla modified by ZaneZam compatible with my ROM (OOS 5) downloaded from here as you recommended: https://m.mediafire.com/folder/z2hcao6kc2lnc

Screenshot of my kernel installed:


You can check the lsusb output on a standard root terminal on my device, while Ralink RT3070 is plugged in:


Now the lsusb output on a terminal connected to my Linux Deploy Kali machine:


And now the lsusb output from the Kali Nethunter terminal:


These are some of my Alfa cards and my OTG cable:


I got working the usb cards in the past over my Linux Deploy Kali using this same OTG cable. The cable is ok, I tested it because my new laptop has a USB type C connection and If I plug an Alfa card using it to the laptop it is detected without any problem. I can't remember exactly what kernel or OS version I used in the past when I got this working. It was about one year ago (so Nougat probably) and some Boeffla Kernel. I remember to use airgeddon flawlessly on a Linux Deploy Kali with my usb cards, but finally I removed the stuff because of the Android Auto problem which I wasn't able to solve. Now I'm not able to get usb stuff working 🐙

As we said, contact me and maybe we can continue the researching without "spamming" to the subscribers (watchers).

OscarAkaElvis commented 5 years ago

This iptables mess was fixed in v9.01 which was released today.

yesimxev commented 4 years ago

Im not using nethunter. Its old and not maintained. You will get all outdated tools since it comes as package. Im using official OOS 4.0.2 with only modified kernel i.e. the kernel built frim boeffla source for oneplus 3.

It is not old, there was a time when it was less supported though. I hope you'd enjoy both anyways!

Checking the iptables issue here, good solution above. What I had to do: on a clean fresh kali chroot install, downgrading iptables to 1.6 solved the issue, port forwarding was back to normal (we needed for mana-toolkit and mitmf)

xpz3 commented 4 years ago

For airgeddon you don't need to downgrade iptables as the issue was already fixed on v9.01 by adding support to nft

yesimxev commented 4 years ago

@xpz3 I've noticed, good job! We have only the workaround for now, as Mana and Mitmf is using iptables too AFAIK