v2fly / v2ray-core

A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
MIT License
28.53k stars 4.55k forks source link

VLESS+TCP的tls中apln设置导致web访问失败,且vless+tcp+fallback+http/2不通 #318

Closed PaTTeeL closed 3 years ago

PaTTeeL commented 3 years ago

除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。 如果你遇到的问题不是 V2Ray 的 bug,比如你不清楚要如何配置,请使用Discussion进行讨论。

1) 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?(如果服务器和客户端使用了不同版本,请注明) v4.31.0 2) 你的使用场景是什么?比如使用 Chrome 通过 Socks/VMess 代理观看 YouTube 视频。 使用 firefox 通过 VLESS 代理观看 YouTube 视频 3) 你看到的不正常的现象是什么?(请描述具体现象,比如访问超时,TLS 证书错误等) 服务端fallback设置"tlsSettings": {"alpn": ["h2","http/1.1"]……时,浏览器提示ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, 服务端fallback设置"tlsSettings": {"alpn": ["http/1.1"]……时,浏览器正常 同时streamSettings传输协议为http/2的inbounds网络不通 4) 你期待看到的正确表现是怎样的? 正常打开网页 5) 请附上你的配置(提交 Issue 前请隐藏服务器端IP地址)。


    "log": {
        "access": "/tmp/access.log",
        "error": "/tmp/error.log",
        "loglevel": "warning"
    "inbounds": [
        {   "port": 443,
            "protocol": "vless",
            "settings": {
                "clients": [{"email": "vless@tcp.org","id": "uuid"}],
                "decryption": "none",
                "fallbacks": [
                    {"dest": 8000},
                    {"xver": 0,"dest": 8001,"path": "/vless"},
                    {"alpn": "h2","dest": 8002,"path": "/vlessh2"},
                    {"xver": 0,"dest": 8003,"path": "/vmess"},
                    {"alpn": "h2","dest": 8004,"path": "/vmessh2"}]},
            "streamSettings": {
                "network": "tcp",
                "security": "tls",
                "tlsSettings": {
                    "alpn": ["h2","http/1.1"],
                    "certificates": [{
                            "certificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/fullchain.pem",
                            "keyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/privkey.pem"}]}}
        {   "port": 8001,
            "protocol": "vless",
            "listen": "",
            "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},
            "settings": {"decryption": "none","clients": [{"email": "vless@ws.org","id": "uuid"}]},
            "streamSettings": {"network": "ws","wsSettings": {"path": "/vless"}
        {   "port": 8002,
            "protocol": "vless",
            "listen": "",
            "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},
            "settings": {"decryption": "none","clients": [{"email": "vless@h2.org","id": "uuid"}]},
            "streamSettings": {"network": "h2","httpSettings": {"host": ["mydomain.com"],"path": "/vlessh2"}
        {   "port": 8003,
            "protocol": "vmess",
                        "listen": "",
                        "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},
            "settings": {"clients": [{"email": "vmess@ws.org","id": "uuid"}]},
            "streamSettings": {"network": "ws","wsSettings": {"path": "/vmess"}
        {   "port": 8004,
            "protocol": "vmess",
            "listen": "",
            "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},
            "settings": {"clients": [{"email": "vmess@h2.org","id": "uuid"}]},
            "streamSettings": {"network": "h2","httpSettings": {"host": ["mydomain.com"],"path": "/vmessh2"}
    "outbounds": [
        {"tag": "direct","protocol": "freedom","settings": {}},
        {"tag": "block","protocol": "blackhole","settings": {}}
    "routing": {
        "rules": [
            {"type": "field","outboundTag": "block","ip": ["","","","",""]},
            {"type": "field","outboundTag": "block","protocol": ["bittorrent"]}]        # Bit Torrent


  "policy": {
    "system": {
      "statsInboundUplink": true,
      "statsInboundDownlink": true
  "log": {
    "access": "",
    "error": "",
    "loglevel": "warning"
  "inbounds": [
      "tag": "proxy",
      "port": 8001,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "socks",
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "destOverride": [
      "settings": {
        "auth": "noauth",
        "udp": true,
        "ip": null,
        "address": null,
        "clients": null,
        "decryption": null
      "streamSettings": null
      "tag": "api",
      "port": 1621,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
      "sniffing": null,
      "settings": {
        "auth": null,
        "udp": false,
        "ip": null,
        "address": "",
        "clients": null,
        "decryption": null
      "streamSettings": null
  "outbounds": [
      "tag": "proxy",
      "protocol": "vless",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": [
            "address": "mydomain.com",
            "port": 443,
            "users": [
                "id": "uuid",
                "alterId": 0,
                "email": "t@t.tt",
                "security": "auto",
                "encryption": "none",
                "flow": ""
        "servers": null,
        "response": null
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "h2",
        "security": "tls",
        "tlsSettings": {
          "allowInsecure": false,
          "serverName": "mydomain.com"
        "tcpSettings": null,
        "kcpSettings": null,
        "wsSettings": null,
        "httpSettings": {
          "path": "vlessh2",
          "host": [
        "quicSettings": null,
        "xtlsSettings": null
      "mux": {
        "enabled": false,
        "concurrency": -1
      "tag": "direct",
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": null,
        "servers": null,
        "response": null
      "streamSettings": null,
      "mux": null
      "tag": "block",
      "protocol": "blackhole",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": null,
        "servers": null,
        "response": {
          "type": "http"
      "streamSettings": null,
      "mux": null
  "stats": {},
  "api": {
    "tag": "api",
    "services": [
  "dns": null,
  "routing": {
    "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",
    "rules": [
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": [
        "outboundTag": "api",
        "ip": null,
        "domain": null
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "proxy",
        "ip": null,
        "domain": [
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "proxy",
        "ip": [
        "domain": null
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "direct",
        "ip": null,
        "domain": [
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "block",
        "ip": null,
        "domain": [
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "direct",
        "ip": [
        "domain": null
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "direct",
        "ip": [
        "domain": null
        "type": "field",
        "port": null,
        "inboundTag": null,
        "outboundTag": "direct",
        "ip": null,
        "domain": [

6) 请附上出错时软件输出的错误日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/error.log 文件中。


2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:09 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > read tcp>clientip:13915: read: connection reset by peer
2020/10/14 17:19:09 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: failed to close connection > write tcp>clientip:13915: write: broken pipe
2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to deliver response payload > read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: broken pipe
2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to deliver response payload > read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: broken pipe
2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64
2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version
2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2
2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > read tcp>clientip:13985: use of closed network connection
2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: failed to close connection > tls: use of closed connection


2020/10/14 16:41:56 [Warning] [380363826] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [1146162285] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [390859468] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [2799044900] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed

7) 请附上访问日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/access.log 文件中。


8) 其它相关的配置文件(如 Nginx)和相关日志。 后端caddy配置

:8000 {
    log {
        output file /tmp/caddy.log
        format json
    header {
        Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
        X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
        X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
        X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"
    route {
        forward_proxy {
            probe_resistance www.163.com
            basic_auth USERNAME PASSWORD
        file_server { root /var/home }
    handle_errors {
        file_server { root /var/home }
        rewrite * /index.html
:80 {
    redir https://{host}{uri}


{   "level":"error",
    "msg":"handled request",
    "common_log":" - - [14/Oct/2020:16:18:19 +0800] \"PRI * HTTP/2.0\" 404 6735",
        "X-Robots-Tag":["noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"],
        "Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"],
        "Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"]}}
{   "level":"error",
    "msg":"handled request",
    "common_log":" - - [14/Oct/2020:16:18:20 +0800] \"PRI * HTTP/2.0\" 404 6735",
        "X-Robots-Tag":["noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"],
        "Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"],
        "Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"]}}

如上,在vless+tcp的fallback模式下,尝试过各种组合,只要出现h2,web服务器就罢工,另外fallback后的http/2传输部分一直没有弄通,求教需要如何配置? 补充,尝试过在8002端口inbounds的streamSettings中加入加密部分仍然是不通的:

    "security": "tls",
    "tlsSettings": {
        "alpn": ["h2","http/1.1"],
        "certificates": [{
            "certificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/fullchain.pem",
            "keyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/privkey.pem"}]}


ghost commented 3 years ago

What you need from me

On Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 15:18 PaTTeeL, notifications@github.com wrote:

除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。 如果你遇到的问题不是 V2Ray 的 bug,比如你不清楚要如何配置,请使用Discussion https://github.com/v2fly/discussion/issues进行讨论。

  1. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?(如果服务器和客户端使用了不同版本,请注明) v4.31.0
  2. 你的使用场景是什么?比如使用 Chrome 通过 Socks/VMess 代理观看 YouTube 视频。 使用 firefox 通过 VLESS 代理观看 YouTube 视频
  3. 你看到的不正常的现象是什么?(请描述具体现象,比如访问超时,TLS 证书错误等) 服务端fallback设置"tlsSettings": {"alpn": ["h2","http/1.1"]……时,浏览器提示ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, 服务端fallback设置"tlsSettings": {"alpn": ["http/1.1"]……时正常,浏览器正常 streamSettings传输协议为http/2时网络不通
  4. 你期待看到的正确表现是怎样的? 正常打开网页
  5. 请附上你的配置(提交 Issue 前请隐藏服务器端IP地址)。



"log": {

  "access": "/tmp/access.log",

  "error": "/tmp/error.log",

  "loglevel": "warning"


"inbounds": [

  {   "port": 443,

      "protocol": "vless",

      "settings": {

          "clients": [{"email": "vless@tcp.org","id": "uuid"}],

          "decryption": "none",

          "fallbacks": [

              {"dest": 8000},

              {"xver": 0,"dest": 8001,"path": "/vless"},

              {"alpn": "h2","dest": 8002,"path": "/vlessh2"},

              {"xver": 0,"dest": 8003,"path": "/vmess"},

              {"alpn": "h2","dest": 8004,"path": "/vmessh2"}]},

      "streamSettings": {

          "network": "tcp",

          "security": "tls",

          "tlsSettings": {

              "alpn": ["h2","http/1.1"],

              "certificates": [{

                      "certificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/fullchain.pem",

                      "keyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/privkey.pem"}]}}


  {   "port": 8001,

      "protocol": "vless",

      "listen": "",

      "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},

      "settings": {"decryption": "none","clients": [{"email": "vless@ws.org","id": "uuid"}]},

      "streamSettings": {"network": "ws","wsSettings": {"path": "/vless"}


  {   "port": 8002,

      "protocol": "vless",

      "listen": "",

      "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},

      "settings": {"decryption": "none","clients": [{"email": "vless@h2.org","id": "uuid"}]},

      "streamSettings": {"network": "h2","httpSettings": {"host": ["mydomain.com"],"path": "/vlessh2"}


  {   "port": 8003,

      "protocol": "vmess",

                    "listen": "",

                    "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},

      "settings": {"clients": [{"email": "vmess@ws.org","id": "uuid"}]},

      "streamSettings": {"network": "ws","wsSettings": {"path": "/vmess"}


  {   "port": 8004,

      "protocol": "vmess",

      "listen": "",

      "sniffing": {"enabled": true,"destOverride": ["http", "tls"]},

      "settings": {"clients": [{"email": "vmess@h2.org","id": "uuid"}]},

      "streamSettings": {"network": "h2","httpSettings": {"host": ["mydomain.com"],"path": "/vmessh2"}



"outbounds": [

  {"tag": "direct","protocol": "freedom","settings": {}},

  {"tag": "block","protocol": "blackhole","settings": {}}


"routing": {

  "rules": [

      {"type": "field","outboundTag": "block","ip": ["","","","",""]},

      {"type": "field","outboundTag": "block","protocol": ["bittorrent"]}]        # Bit Torrent

} }



"policy": {

"system": {

  "statsInboundUplink": true,

  "statsInboundDownlink": true



"log": {

"access": "",

"error": "",

"loglevel": "warning"


"inbounds": [


  "tag": "proxy",

  "port": 8001,

  "listen": "",

  "protocol": "socks",

  "sniffing": {

    "enabled": true,

    "destOverride": [





  "settings": {

    "auth": "noauth",

    "udp": true,

    "ip": null,

    "address": null,

    "clients": null,

    "decryption": null


  "streamSettings": null



  "tag": "api",

  "port": 1621,

  "listen": "",

  "protocol": "dokodemo-door",

  "sniffing": null,

  "settings": {

    "auth": null,

    "udp": false,

    "ip": null,

    "address": "",

    "clients": null,

    "decryption": null


  "streamSettings": null



"outbounds": [


  "tag": "proxy",

  "protocol": "vless",

  "settings": {

    "vnext": [


        "address": "mydomain.com",

        "port": 443,

        "users": [


            "id": "uuid",

            "alterId": 0,

            "email": "t@t.tt",

            "security": "auto",

            "encryption": "none",

            "flow": ""





    "servers": null,

    "response": null


  "streamSettings": {

    "network": "h2",

    "security": "tls",

    "tlsSettings": {

      "allowInsecure": false,

      "serverName": "mydomain.com"


    "tcpSettings": null,

    "kcpSettings": null,

    "wsSettings": null,

    "httpSettings": {

      "path": "vlessh2",

      "host": [




    "quicSettings": null,

    "xtlsSettings": null


  "mux": {

    "enabled": false,

    "concurrency": -1




  "tag": "direct",

  "protocol": "freedom",

  "settings": {

    "vnext": null,

    "servers": null,

    "response": null


  "streamSettings": null,

  "mux": null



  "tag": "block",

  "protocol": "blackhole",

  "settings": {

    "vnext": null,

    "servers": null,

    "response": {

      "type": "http"



  "streamSettings": null,

  "mux": null



"stats": {},

"api": {

"tag": "api",

"services": [




"dns": null,

"routing": {

"domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",

"rules": [


    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": [



    "outboundTag": "api",

    "ip": null,

    "domain": null



    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "proxy",

    "ip": null,

    "domain": [

















    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "proxy",

    "ip": [






















    "domain": null



    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "direct",

    "ip": null,

    "domain": [








































































































































    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "block",

    "ip": null,

    "domain": [





    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "direct",

    "ip": [



    "domain": null



    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "direct",

    "ip": [



    "domain": null



    "type": "field",

    "port": null,

    "inboundTag": null,

    "outboundTag": "direct",

    "ip": null,

    "domain": [





} }

  1. 请附上出错时软件输出的错误日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/error.log 文件中。


2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:18:58 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:09 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > read tcp>clientip:13915: read: connection reset by peer 2020/10/14 17:19:09 [Info] [4274677110] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: failed to close connection > write tcp>clientip:13915: write: broken pipe 2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:10 [Info] [1754140807] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to deliver response payload > read tcp> read: connection reset by peer 2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:12 [Info] [2387409379] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:14 [Info] [951663215] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: connection reset by peer 2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:15 [Info] [2723968924] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to deliver response payload > read tcp> read: connection reset by peer 2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:17 [Info] [1402444456] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: connection reset by peer 2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:21 [Info] [2203507837] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > write tcp> write: broken pipe 2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: firstLen = 64 2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback starts > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/encoding: invalid request version 2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: realAlpn = h2 2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: fallback ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/inbound: failed to fallback request payload > read tcp>clientip:13985: use of closed network connection 2020/10/14 17:19:22 [Info] [2200200901] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: failed to close connection > tls: use of closed connection


2020/10/14 16:41:56 [Warning] [380363826] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed 2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [1146162285] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed 2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [390859468] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed 2020/10/14 16:41:58 [Warning] [2799044900] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: [v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": unexpected EOF v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/http: failed to dial to tcp:mydomain.com:443 > Put "https://mydomain.com:443/vlessh2": read tcp>serverip:443: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.] > v2ray.com/core/common/retry: all retry attempts failed

  1. 请附上访问日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/access.log 文件中。


  1. 其它相关的配置文件(如 Nginx)和相关日志。 后端caddy配置

:8000 {

log {

  output file /tmp/caddy.log

  format json


header {

  Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"

  X-Content-Type-Options nosniff

  X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN

  X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"


route {

  forward_proxy {

      probe_resistance www.163.com

      basic_auth USERNAME PASSWORD




  file_server { root /var/home }


handle_errors {

  file_server { root /var/home }

  rewrite * /index.html

} }

:80 {

redir https://{host}{uri} }


{ "level":"error",



"msg":"handled request",








"common_log":" - - [14/Oct/2020:16:18:19 +0800] \"PRI * HTTP/2.0\" 404 6735",







  "X-Robots-Tag":["noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"],

  "Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"],

lxhao61 commented 3 years ago

vless回落/分流,根本不支持h2应用分流。仅支持ws及tcp应用的路径分流,回落到http/1.1及h2c server服务器。你根本没有搞清楚vless回落原理及使用范围!

PaTTeeL commented 3 years ago

vless回落/分流,根本不支持h2应用分流。仅支持ws及tcp应用的路径分流,回落到http/1.1及h2c server服务器。你根本没有搞清楚vless回落原理及使用范围!

所以小白来请教了,现在h2分流问题明白了,不支持的话就去掉,那回落到caddy server失败的问题是啥原因呢? caddy报错日志如下: { "level":"error", "ts":1602663499.5114472, "logger":"http.log.access.log0", "msg":"handled request", "request":{ "remote_addr":"", "proto":"HTTP/2.0", "method":"PRI", "host":"", "uri":"", "headers":{}}, "common_log":" - - [14/Oct/2020:16:18:19 +0800] \"PRI HTTP/2.0\" 404 6735", "duration":0.000169208, "size":6735, "status":404, "resp_headers":{ "Server":["Caddy"], "X-Frame-Options":["SAMEORIGIN"], "X-Robots-Tag":["noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, noimageindex, noyaca"], "Strict-Transport-Security":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"], "X-Content-Type-Options":["nosniff"], "Etag":["\"qb3qt3573\""], "Content-Type":["text/html; charset=utf-8"]}}

lxhao61 commented 3 years ago

你连接配置了http/1.1与h2两者都支持,那么回落也必须同时都支持,即caddy2必须支持http/1.1与h2c server。 当然你不想麻烦,连接配置就去掉h2,那么caddy2启用http/1.1 server即可。当然这样配置,速度可能受影响。 最后你可以参考我的模板: https://github.com/lxhao61/integrated-examples

zhuzeitou commented 3 years ago

如楼上所说,caddy2默认不支持h2c服务,并且配置相对复杂,所以把alpn改成http/1.1即可,或者换haproxy当后端 fallback不支持h2c,可以先回落到web服务器由web服务做分流

RPRX commented 3 years ago



PaTTeeL commented 3 years ago

感谢各路大神的指导,现在解决了大部分问题 1、h2部分学习了@lxhao61 的指导并参考了模板,搞通了,非常感谢!总结了一下如果要走h2,就必须alpn里启用h2,然后caddy开启allow_h2c选项,fallback到caddy再反向代理给inbounds实现h2的承载; 2、ProxyProtocol也看懂了,是tcp传递client信息给后面http server用的; 3、端口复用部分也基本学会了,现在碰到了另一个issue #316 中Caddy为前端,v2ray为后端一样的问题,就是当h2作为承载网络时,无论这两个进程谁前端谁后端,经常会大面积长时间的连续报stream error这样的错误,浏览器的表现就是页面开启特别慢甚至打不开,经常需要刷新页面,搜了半天同类型问题很多,貌似没找到什么解决方案,只有一条issue只言片语的提到了可能是h2引起的tcp头拥堵导致,请教各位大神到底是个啥情况? @rprx @zhuzeitou @lxhao61 BTW,能问问 @rprx VLESS的fallback有没有后续支持h2c的可能呢?

RPRX commented 3 years ago

v2 的 h2 应该用了多路复用,即多条 VLESS 聚合成一条(而 v2 的 Mux 是一条 VLESS 上跑 Mux),多路复用在较差的网络环境下会影响使用体验。个人不推荐用 v2 的 h2(我也不用),性能弱且无必要,过不了 CDN 不如用 TCP。

fallbacks 的 path 无法支持 h2c 是原理决定的,暂时无最优解。