v2fly / v2ray-examples

v2ray-core 的模板们
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[FR] Translate the mermaid diagram into English #38

Open NightMachinery opened 3 years ago

NightMachinery commented 3 years ago

I tried using Google Translate, but it says there is a syntax error:

%% Please use double quotation marks for large sections of text, otherwise characters such as Chinese punctuation cannot be used
%% text supports HTML syntax, such as line break, please use<br>
%% supports Font Awesome icon
%% For more syntax, please refer to [Mermaid Flowchart Grammar](https://mermaidjs.github.io/flowchart.html)

graph TB

tag (fa: fa-tag ver. 1.1)
style tag fill: #0000000a, stroke: #bfbfbf

start["How to choose V2Ray solution fa:fa-rocket"] -->
  simple-way? (-"Mengxin? Too lazy to toss? Hurry to use?"-)

simple-way? -->
  |No| speed? (-"Do you want speed? Or do you want stability?"-)
simple-way? -->
  |Yes | buy["Buy, buy, buy! Please search for paid VPN SS V2Ray<br>Convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving!"]

speed? --> |Stable| worry-sniff?(-"Mind if it may be detected that you are using V2Ray?"-)
speed? --> |速度| kcp["fa:fa-star KCP"]

%% speed branch

kcp --> more-speed?(-"The speed of KCP alone is not ideal? Want to try a more complicated configuration?"-)
more-speed? -->
  |Yes| kcp-udp2raw["fa:fa-star fa:fa-star fa:fa-star try KCP + udp2raw<br><i>*Note that udp2raw is difficult to use on the mobile client</i>"]

kcp-udp2raw --> more-more-speed? (-"Still not strong?"-)
more-more-speed? -->
  |"Yes! I feel cheated!"| tcp-bbr["
    fa:fa-star fa:fa-star fa:fa-star Adjust KCP parameters or try TCP + BBR<br>
    <i>*Note that BBR requires specific system support, please refer to related tutorials. </i><br>
    <i>Because it is a low-level unilateral algorithm, it can be combined with other options.</i>

%% stable branch

worry-sniff? -->
  |Don’t worry about anything else | tcp-vmess["fa:fa-star TCP + Vmess"]
worry-sniff? -->
  |Work secretly| have-website?(-"How to build a website?<br>A website is already running on the server?"-)

have-website? -->
  |"No, I don't understand and don't want to understand"| ws-or-obfu["fa:fa-star WebSocket, HTTP/2 or Vmess + disguise"]
have-website? -->
  |"Yes! Coach! I want to learn this!"| https?(-"Want to hide V2Ray further?<br>Does the website support HTTPS?"-)

https? -->
  |It’s always better to be safer| https-website["
    fa:fa-star fa:fa-star Caddy + TLS + WebSocket、HTTP/2<br>
    fa:fa-star fa:fa-star fa:fa-star Nginx/Apache/其它 + TLS + WebSocket、HTTP/2
https? -->
  |"Forget it, too much trouble"| website["fa:fa-star fa:fa-star Caddy/Nginx/Apache/Other + WebSocket"]

website --> cdn?
https-website --> cdn?
cdn?(-"Want to protect the host IP from being killed?<br>Even though the speed may be affected indefinitely?"-) -->
  |"Yes, a bit more stable is a bit"| cdn["fa:fa-star fa:fa-star Cloudflare and other CDNs<br><i>*Note that this difficulty level belongs to CDN</i>"]

fa:fa-star represents the level of complexity, the more fa:fa-star, the more complicated, the more difficult it is
Some options in speed classification and stability classification can be used in combination<br>
To participate in the modification of this picture, please go to github.com/v2fly/vTemplate

style note stroke-width:2px, stroke-dasharray: 5.5
kslr commented 3 years ago

Don't copy in full text