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用V2ray内置DNS服务器,解析大陆地区CDN网站到国外IP。 #147

Closed 5high closed 4 years ago

5high commented 5 years ago


    "log": {
        "loglevel": "access"
    "inbounds": [
            "port": 1080,
            "protocol": "socks",
            "settings": {
                "auth": "noauth",
                "accounts": [
                        "user": "v2ray",
                        "pass": "v2ray"
                "udp": true
            "port": 8080,
            "protocol": "http"
            "domainOverride": [
            "listen": "",
            "port": 12345,
            "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
            "settings": {
                "followRedirect": true
            "streamSettings": {
                "sockopt": {
                    "mark": 100,
                    "tcpFastOpen": true,
                    "tproxy": "tproxy"
            "port": 53,
            "tag": "dns-in",
            "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
            "settings": {
                "address": "",
                "port": 53,
                "network": "tcp,udp"
    "outbounds": [
            "mux": {
                "enabled": true
            "tag": "proxy",
            "protocol": "vmess",
            "settings": {
                "vnext": [
                        "address": "address",
                        "port": 55665,
                        "users": [
                                "id": "",
                                "alterId": 64
            "streamSettings": {
                "network": "kcp",
                "kcpSettings": {
                    "header": {
                        "type": "utp"
            "tag": "direct",
            "protocol": "freedom",
            "settings": {
                "response": null
            "tag": "blockout",
            "protocol": "blackhole",
            "settings": {
                "response": {
                    "type": "http"
            "protocol": "dns",
            "tag": "dns-out"
    "routing": {
        "rules": [
                "ip": [
                "domain": [
                "type": "field",
                "port": null,
                "outboundTag": "direct"
        "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch"
    "dns": {
        "servers": [
                "address": "",
                "port": 53,
                "domains": [
VictoriaRaymond commented 5 years ago

Not production bug. Moving to discussion.

VictoriaRaymond commented 5 years ago


5high commented 5 years ago


VictoriaRaymond commented 5 years ago

https://steemit.com/cn/@v2ray/dns 最下面

5high commented 5 years ago


5high commented 5 years ago
"routing": {
    "rules": [
            "ip": [
            "domain": [
            "type": "field",
            "port": null,
            "outboundTag": "direct"
            "type": "field",
            "inboundTag": "dns-in",
            "outboundTag": "dns-out"
    "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch"


C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup www.taobao.cn 172.xxx DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 服务器: UnKnown Address: 172

DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 非权威应答: DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 名称: www.taobao.cn Addresses:

VictoriaRaymond commented 5 years ago

ip 和 domain 需要拆分成两个 rule

5high commented 5 years ago


C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup www.sohu.com 172.xx.xx.xx DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 服务器: UnKnown Address: 172.xx.xx.xx

DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 非权威应答: DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 名称: www.sohu.com Addresses:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup www.facebook.com 172.xx.xx.xx DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 服务器: UnKnown Address: 172.xx.xx.xx

DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 非权威应答: 名称: www.facebook.com Addresses: 200:2:f3b9:bb27::

VictoriaRaymond commented 5 years ago


5high commented 5 years ago


kingwilliam commented 5 years ago

大约情况: 如客户是windows, 如用fixed ip就会比较正常. 如客户是windows, 如用DHCP就会出现异常.

具体情况: 在DHCP时 会看见v2ray dns会用我的suffixes加到入要找的domain去找, 如要找 www.baidu.com 时 v2ray会加入suffixes 如(abc.xyz) 去 dns server 找 www.baidu.com.abc.xyz

解决办法: 暂时解决办法 : 转用fixed ip(但也不能解决全部问题) 长远解决办法 : 希望v2ray可帮忙解决

以下是client config(已简略)

    "dns": {
        "servers": [
                "address": "",
                "port": 53,
                "domains": ["geosite:cn"]

    "routing": {
        "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand",
        "rules": [
                "type": "field",
                "inboundTag": "dns-in",
                "outboundTag": "dns-out"

    "inbounds": [
        // dokodemo-door:53
            "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
            "port": 53,
            "tag": "dns-in",
            "settings": {
                "address": "",
                "port": 53,
                "network": "udp,tcp"
                // "timeout": 0,
                // "followredirect": false

    "outbounds": [
        // dns
            "tag": "dns-out",
            "protocol": "dns"

以下是 fixed ip时的 ipconfig/all, 是没有"DNS Suffix Search List"

C:\Users\Administrator>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : win2016svr
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

以下是windows 用 fixed ip 时 resolve www.baidu.com的debug log

2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] [1793973147] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [1793973147] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [1793973147] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] [2445039850] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [2445039850] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [2445039850] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying domain www.baidu.com at udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] [1479018964] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [1479018964] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] [1479018964] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying domain www.baidu.com at udp:
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 10:54:58 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Info] v2ray.com/core/common/mux: dispatching request to udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:02 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/websocket: creating connection to tcp:remote.site:443
2019/02/20 10:55:03 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/outbound: tunneling request to tcp:v1.mux.cool:9527 via tcp:remote.site:443
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: failed to handle UDP input > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 10:55:06 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:
2019/02/20 10:55:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: failed to handle UDP input > EOF
2019/02/20 10:55:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 10:55:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain www.baidu.com > context deadline exceeded

以下是 DHCP时的 ipconfig/all, 是有"DNS Suffix Search List"

C:\Users\Administrator>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : win2016svr
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : abc.xyz

以下是windows 用 DHCP 时 resolve www.baidu.com的debug log

2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] [2247702867] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] [2247702867] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] [2247702867] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: win10.ipv6.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/common/mux: dispatching request to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/websocket: creating connection to tcp:remote.site:443
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] [2653582769] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] [2653582769] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Info] [2653582769] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:10 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] [1654108169] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] [2168035663] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [1654108169] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [1654108169] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [2168035663] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [2168035663] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: dns.msftncsi.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/outbound: tunneling request to tcp:v1.mux.cool:9527 via tcp:remote.site:443
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:win10.ipv6.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:dns.msftncsi.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] [216770968] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [216770968] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Info] [216770968] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:11 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:13 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:13 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Debug] [3388533591] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] [3388533591] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] [3388533591] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:14 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Debug] [1631145350] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Info] [1631145350] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Info] [1631145350] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:15 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] [1654977945] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Info] [1654977945] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Info] [1654977945] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: isatap.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] [1227373447] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Info] [1227373447] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Info] [1227373447] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:17 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain isatap.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:18 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Debug] [597222412] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Info] [597222412] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Info] [597222412] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:19 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain isatap.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:20 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:20 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:20 [Debug] [3180275894] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:20 [Info] [3180275894] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:20 [Info] [3180275894] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] [2385914313] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] [2385914313] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] [2385914313] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying domain www.baidu.com at udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] [4112337421] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] [4112337421] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] [4112337421] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying domain www.baidu.com at udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain isatap.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain isatap.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:21 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:22 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:22 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:22 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:22 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:22 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Debug] [2685347368] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Info] [2685347368] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Info] [2685347368] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:23 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] [1308190004] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Info] [1308190004] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Info] [1308190004] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: sls.update.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:sls.update.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] [584693600] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Info] [584693600] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Info] [584693600] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:24 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] [216770968] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: connection ends > read udp [::]:49500: use of closed network connection
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] [1631145350] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: connection ends > read udp [::]:40689: use of closed network connection
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] [216770968] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: failed to transport response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] [1631145350] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: failed to transport response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:26 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:27 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:27 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain www.baidu.com.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:27 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:27 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:28 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:28 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:28 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:28 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:28 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: www.baidu.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:29 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Debug] [2450543182] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Info] [2450543182] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:31 [Info] [2450543182] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Debug] [1201634928] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Info] [1201634928] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Info] [1201634928] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: fe2.update.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:fe2.update.microsoft.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:32 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Debug] [1370491330] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] [1370491330] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] [1370491330] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: client.wns.windows.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain www.baidu.com at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain www.baidu.com > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: updating IP records for domain:client.wns.windows.com.
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:33 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:35 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:35 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:36 [Debug] [2484438131] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:36 [Info] [2484438131] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:36 [Info] [2484438131] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:36 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:36 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:37 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:37 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:38 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2019/02/20 11:01:38 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: failed to handle UDP input > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:39 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:39 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:40 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:41 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:41 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:41 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [2685347368] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: connection ends > read udp [::]:48386: use of closed network connection
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [2685347368] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: failed to transport response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [3180275894] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: connection ends > read udp [::]:59345: use of closed network connection
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [3180275894] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: failed to transport response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [1654108169] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: connection ends > read udp [::]:37176: use of closed network connection
2019/02/20 11:01:42 [Info] [1654108169] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: failed to transport response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: querying DNS for: wpad.abc.xyz.
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Debug] [3015682989] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Info] [3015682989] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns-out] for [udp:]
2019/02/20 11:01:43 [Info] [3015682989] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
2019/02/20 11:01:44 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:44 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:45 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:45 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:46 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: failed to handle UDP input > EOF
2019/02/20 11:01:47 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/dns: failed to lookup ip for domain wpad.abc.xyz at server udp: > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:47 [Info] v2ray.com/core/proxy/dns: ip query > v2ray.com/core/app/dns: returning nil for domain wpad.abc.xyz > context deadline exceeded
2019/02/20 11:01:48 [Info] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2019/02/20 11:01:48 [Info] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/udp: failed to handle UDP input > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:58 [Info] v2ray.com/core/common/mux: failed to read metadata > io: read/write on closed pipe
2019/02/20 11:01:59 [Info] failed to handler mux client connection > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/outbound: connection ends > context canceled
eycorsican commented 5 years ago

@VictoriaRaymond 看起来也是跟 https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/issues/1565 有关。

@5high 的情况,nslookup 会有一个 AAAA 查询,如果查的是没有 AAAA 记录的域名,V2Ray 要等超时,而且没有返回,估计是因为这个而做了几次重复请求,出现了几次超时(不太清楚细节

@kingwilliam 的情况,有时候系统做 DNS 解析时是会先发 AAAA 查询的,但如果也是查到没 AAAA 记录的域名,V2Ray 不返回任何数据(正确处理方法是返回空 answer 加 NOERROR),系统就继续把 DNS search domain 的后缀加上继续做 AAAA 查询,这时 DNS 服务器那么返回的应该是 NXDOMAIN 了,V2Ray 依然没能正确处理,如果有多个 search domain 的话估计会轮番去查然后接着超时。

特别是后者的情况,在 Android 上貌似发生得非常频繁(至少在我的测试机上是这样的),系统经常会先发 AAAA 查询,然后 fall back 到 A 查询,同时支持 IPv4 和 IPv6 的系统估计会更加严重,目前没办法用到 Android 上。


yuzhen-zhang-dev commented 5 years ago


C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup www.sohu.com 172.xx.xx.xx DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 服务器: UnKnown Address: 172.xx.xx.xx

DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 非权威应答: DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 名称: www.sohu.com Addresses:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>nslookup www.facebook.com 172.xx.xx.xx DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 服务器: UnKnown Address: 172.xx.xx.xx

DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. DNS request timed out. timeout was 2 seconds. 非权威应答: 名称: www.facebook.com Addresses: 200:2:f3b9:bb27::

你好,请问你的IPTABLES 是怎么设置呢?我按照网上资料尝试,始终无法转发UDP

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days