v2ray / discussion

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关于v2ray h2+tls 间接性连接中断的问题 #705

Closed Jason-2048 closed 4 years ago

Jason-2048 commented 4 years ago

如题,h2+tls间接性中断,ws+tls未发现此问题 服务端配置:

  "log": {
    "loglevel": "debug",
    "access": "/etc/v2ray/access.log",
    "error": "/etc/v2ray/error.log"
  "inbounds": [
      "port": "*",
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "vmess",
      "settings": {
        "clients": [
            "id": "*",
            "alterId": 128
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "h2",
        "security": "tls",
        "httpSettings": {
          "path": "/apple",
          "host": [
        "tlsSettings": {
          "serverName": "*",
          "certificates": [
              "certificateFile": "*",
              "keyFile": "*"
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "settings": {}

客户端使用v2ray官方的v2ray.exe 配置如下:

  "log": {
    "loglevel": "warning",
    "access": "*",
    "error": "*"
  "inbounds": [
      "port": 10888,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "http",
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "destOverride": ["http", "tls"]
      "settings": {
        "auth": "noauth",
        "udp": true
      "port": 10889,
      "listen": "",
      "protocol": "socks",
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "destOverride": ["http", "tls"]
      "settings": {
        "auth": "noauth",
        "udp": true
      "port": 10890,
      "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
      "settings": {
        "network": "tcp,udp",
        "followRedirect": true
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "destOverride": [
      "streamSettings": {
        "sockopt": {
          "tproxy": "tproxy"
  "outbounds": [
      "tag": "proxy",
      "protocol": "vmess",
      "settings": {
        "vnext": [
            "address": "*",
            "port": 443,
            "users": [
                "id": "*",
                "alterId": 128
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "h2",
        "security": "tls",
        "tlsSettings": {
          "allowInsecure": false,
          "serverName": "*"
        "httpSettings": {
          "path": "/apple",
          "host": [
        "mux": {
          "enabled": false
      "tag": "direct",
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "settings": {
        "domainStrategy": "UseIP"
      "streamSettings": {
        "sockopt": {
          "mark": 255
      "tag": "block",
      "protocol": "blackhole",
      "settings": {
        "response": {
          "type": "http"
      "tag": "dns-out",
      "protocol": "dns",
      "streamSettings": {
        "sockopt": {
          "mark": 255
  "dns": {
    "host": {
      "*": "*"
    "servers": [
        "address": "",
        "port": 53,
        "domains": [
    "clientIp": "*"
  "routing": {
    "domainStrategy": "IPOnDemand",
    "rules": [
        "type": "field",
        "inboundTag": [
        "port": 53,
        "network": "tcp,udp",
        "outboundTag": "dns-out"
        "type": "field",
        "inboundTag": [
        "port": 123,
        "network": "udp",
        "outboundTag": "direct" 
        "type": "field", 
        "ip": [
        "outboundTag": "direct"
        "type": "field",
        "ip": [
        "outboundTag": "proxy"
        "type": "field",
        "outboundTag": "block",
        "domain": ["geoip:category-ads"]
        "type": "field",
        "outboundTag": "direct"
        "type": "field",
        "outboundTag": "direct",
        "ip": [
        "type": "field", 
        "domain": [
        "outboundTag": "direct"
        "type": "field",
        "outboundTag": "proxy"


http://aa.aa {
    redir https://aa.aa{url}

https://aa.aa {
    log stdout
    errors stderr
    root /var/www
    tls aa@qq.com
    fastcgi / php {
    env PATH / bin
    ext .php
    split .php
    index index.php
    proxy /apple* {
        header_upstream Host {host}
        header_upstream X-Real-IP {remote}
        header_upstream X-Forwarded-For {remote}
        header_upstream X-Forwarded-Port {server_port}
        header_upstream X-Forwarded-Proto "https"


May 31 20:02:42 izj6c9w2i06ratgd5eec82z caddy[14629]: 2020/05/31 20:02:42 [ERROR] failed to copy buffer:  context canceled
May 31 20:02:42 izj6c9w2i06ratgd5eec82z caddy[14629]: 2020/05/31 20:02:42 xx.xx.xx.xx - - [31/May/2020:20:02:42 +0800] "PUT /apple HTTP/2.0" 200 0

服务端日志如下: access.log:

2020/05/31 20:02:36 accepted udp: 
2020/05/31 20:02:36 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 5; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:36 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 1; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 13; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 11; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 accepted tcp:www.google.com:80 
2020/05/31 20:02:37 accepted tcp:www.google.com:443 
2020/05/31 20:02:37 accepted tcp:cfg.flurry.com:443 
2020/05/31 20:02:39 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 17; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:39 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 19; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:39 accepted tcp:data.flurry.com:443 
2020/05/31 20:02:40 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 23; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:40 accepted tcp:www.google.com:443 
2020/05/31 20:02:40 accepted udp:www.google.com:443 
2020/05/31 20:02:41 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 29; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:41 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 31; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 33; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 35; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 rejected  v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 37; CANCEL


2020/05/31 20:02:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/log: Logger started
2020/05/31 20:02:25 [Debug] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: creating stream worker on
2020/05/31 20:02:25 [Warning] v2ray.com/core: V2Ray 4.23.1 started
2020/05/31 20:02:36 [Info] [1967198181] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for udp:
2020/05/31 20:02:36 [Info] [1967198181] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for udp:
2020/05/31 20:02:36 [Info] [1967198181] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:
2020/05/31 20:02:36 [Info] [3061461870] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 5; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:36 [Info] [4046358939] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 1; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [434374649] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 13; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for tcp:www.google.com:80
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [1975859346] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 11; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google.com:80
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.google.com:80
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:www.google.com:80
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for tcp:cfg.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:cfg.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to tcp:cfg.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:37 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:cfg.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [4008056193] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 17; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [3908401629] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 19; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for tcp:data.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:data.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to tcp:data.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:39 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:data.flurry.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [880213199] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 23; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [968874257] v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: received request for udp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [968874257] v2ray.com/core/app/dispatcher: default route for udp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:40 [Info] [968874257] v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: opening connection to udp:www.google.com:443
2020/05/31 20:02:41 [Info] [2182600350] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 29; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:41 [Info] [3848293641] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 31; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: failed to transfer request > stream error: stream ID 7; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [968874257] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: failed to transfer request > stream error: stream ID 27; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [3464250072] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 33; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [2364562856] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 35; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [3420840208] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: invalid request from > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read request header > stream error: stream ID 37; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1967198181] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: failed to transfer request > stream error: stream ID 3; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: failed to transfer request > stream error: stream ID 9; CANCEL
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [155584763] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [968874257] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1967198181] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1006516973] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [1854804676] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > io: read/write on closed pipe
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [2813872823] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > io: read/write on closed pipe
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > v2ray.com/core/proxy/freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2020/05/31 20:02:42 [Info] [4048474822] v2ray.com/core/app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > v2ray.com/core/proxy/vmess/inbound: connection ends > io: read/write on closed pipe


xianren78 commented 4 years ago


Jason-2048 commented 4 years ago



AmberisMyShiba commented 4 years ago


Jason-2048 commented 4 years ago



AmberisMyShiba commented 4 years ago


github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days