v2ray / v2ray-core

A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
MIT License
45.26k stars 8.94k forks source link

使用 V2Ray websocket+tls+Nginx 网页部分内容无法正常加载 #873

Closed tshu-w closed 6 years ago

tshu-w commented 6 years ago

1) 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?(如果服务器和客户端使用了不同版本,请注明)

V2Ray v3.9 (die Commanderin) 20180215
An unified platform for anti-censorship.

2) 你的使用场景是什么?

使用 Safari 或是 Chrome 通过 VMess 浏览网页。

3) 你看到的不正常的现象是什么?

部分内容无法正常加载。(tutorial is loading,每次刷新页面多加载一个链接


通过 Surge 简单抓包结果如下:

03 00 01

Request Header

GET /ws/9531aeba541b698e7e9f2fc1890e5e29668c3637?_=1519302169324&tag=&time=&eventid= HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Host: pubsub2.codeforces.com
Origin: http://codeforces.com
Cookie: __utma=71512449.2094662525.1518572188.1519295262.1519297146.23; __utmb=71512449.55.10.1519297146; __utmc=71512449; __utmz=71512449.1518581426.4.3.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); __utmt=1; 70a7c28f3de=k5riajix0wfwaxl6tc; evercookie_cache=k5riajix0wfwaxl6tc; evercookie_etag=k5riajix0wfwaxl6tc; evercookie_png=k5riajix0wfwaxl6tc; _ym_isad=2; _ym_uid=15185721901065293837
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Sec-WebSocket-Key: V9Uqrc/X+6SNgu6cvNegMQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0.3 Safari/604.5.6

Response Header

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Upgrade: WebSocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 15ejWjs61v0RTssOnRm5RZnfGek=

4) 你期待看到的正确表现是怎样的?


5) 请附上你的配置。


    "log": {
        "loglevel": "warning",
        "access": "/var/log/v2ray/access.log",
        "error": "/var/log/v2ray/error.log"
    "inbound": {
        "port": 10010,
        "protocol": "vmess",
        "settings": {
                "clients": [ {
                        "id": "UUID",
                        "alterId": 64
                } ]
        "streamSettings": {
            "network": "ws",
            "wsSettings": {
                "path": "/balabala"
    "outbound": {
            "protocol": "freedom",
            "settings": {}


    "inbound": {
        "port": 1080,
        "listen": "",
        "protocol": "socks",
        "settings": {
            "auth": "noauth",
            "udp": true
    "outbound": {
        "protocol": "vmess",
        "settings": {
            "vnext": [
                    "address": "domain.com",
                    "port": 443,
                    "users": [ {
                            "id": "UUID",
                            "alterId": 64
                        } ]
        "streamSettings": {
            "network": "ws",
            "security": "tls",
            "tlsSettings": {
                "serverName": "domain.com"
            "wsSettings": {
                "path": "/balabala"
        "mux": {
            "enabled": false
    "outboundDetour": [
            "protocol": "freedom",
            "settings": {},
            "tag": "direct"
    "routing": {
        "strategy": "rules",
        "settings": {
            "rules": [
                    "type": "field",
                    "ip": [
                    "outboundTag": "direct"

6) 请附上出错时软件输出的错误日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/error.log 文件中。

2018/02/22 20:08:31 [Warning]: Core: V2Ray started


2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:41 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:47 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:52 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:41 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:47 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:52 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:10 [Info] [241398407] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:01:10 [Info] [241398407] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:01:11 [Info] [3303118465] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:01:11 [Info] [3303118465] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe

7) 请附上访问日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/access.log 文件中。(只保留了相关内容)

2018/02/22 20:20:28 accepted tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80

8) 其它相关的配置文件(如 Nginx)和相关日志。

server {
        # listen 80 default_server;
        # listen [::]:80 default_server;

        # SSL configuration

        listen 443 ssl default_server;
        listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/privkey.pem;

        root /var/www/html;

        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

        server_name domain.com;

        location / {
                # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

        location /balabala {
                access_log   off;
                proxy_intercept_errors on;
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

        fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
        error_page 400 404 /404.html;
DarienRaymond commented 6 years ago



tshu-w commented 6 years ago

那个页面的 WS 可能要登录触发,退出登录后都是正常 HTTP 请求,但仍然加载不全。 改为 debug 日志如下: 服务端错误日志

2018/02/25 11:12:53 [Warning] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: failed to serve http for WebSocket > accept tcp use of closed network connection
2018/02/25 11:12:53 [Debug] App|Log: Logger started
2018/02/25 11:12:53 [Warning] Core: V2Ray started
2018/02/25 11:12:54 [Info] [2600633959] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:54 [Info] [2600633959] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:54 [Info] [2600633959] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:54 [Info] [2600633959] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3100865158] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3100865158] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3100865158] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3100865158] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3098946117] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3098946117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3098946117] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:55 [Info] [3098946117] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [3085928077] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [3085928077] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [3085928077] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [3085928077] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [1700819137] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [1700819137] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [1700819137] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:12:56 [Info] [1700819137] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1287050243] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1287050243] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1287050243] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1287050243] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1824715649] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:safebrowsing.googleapis.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1824715649] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:safebrowsing.googleapis.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1824715649] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:safebrowsing.googleapis.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:06 [Info] [1824715649] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:safebrowsing.googleapis.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2926827167] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:www.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2926827167] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2926827167] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2926827167] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:www.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2663129808] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:www.gstatic.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2663129808] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.gstatic.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2663129808] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.gstatic.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2663129808] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:www.gstatic.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2537529434] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:adservice.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2537529434] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:adservice.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2537529434] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:adservice.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [2537529434] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:adservice.google.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [4088249066] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [4088249066] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [4088249066] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:07 [Info] [4088249066] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [1387673038] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [1387673038] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [1387673038] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [4270937096] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [4270937096] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [4270937096] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:16 [Info] [4270937096] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:17 [Info] [1783981117] Proxy|VMess|Inbound: received request for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:17 [Info] [1783981117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:17 [Info] [1783981117] Proxy|Freedom: opening connection to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:17 [Info] [1783981117] Transport|Internet|TCP: dialing TCP to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:13:27 [Info] [2537529434] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|Freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2018/02/25 11:13:27 [Info] [2537529434] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|VMess|Inbound: connection ends > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:13:57 [Info] [1700819137] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|VMess|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|VMess|Inbound: failed to transfer request > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:13:57 [Info] [1700819137] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|Freedom: connection ends > context canceled
2018/02/25 11:14:06 [Warning] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: failed to serve http for WebSocket > accept tcp use of closed network connection


2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:41 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:47 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:52 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:40 [Info] [3974710460] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:41 [Info] [3974710460] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:43 [Info] [1113614113] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:44 [Info] [481491945] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [481491945] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [241398407] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:www.facebook.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:45 [Info] [3303118465] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [241398407] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.google-analytics.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3303118465] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:www.facebook.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1465325093] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [783524214] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1332062454] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [254035047] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [1301505635] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [853275707] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:46 [Info] [3476456165] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:47 [Info] [1465325093] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:mc.yandex.ru:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3290166679] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [2216194405] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1107140116] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1432914481] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [1734051885] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:51 [Info] [3441601941] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:52 [Info] [3290166679] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [2753513373] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3380011877] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [3882073926] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [182993117] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 10:59:56 [Info] [1665971495] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [3587038233] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [4047982701] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1788393451] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [2732441480] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:02 [Info] [1437647588] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [4062924866] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2027266599] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2044903661] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [2321996855] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:06 [Info] [175622700] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:codeforces.com:80
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [1068244005] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:pubsub2.codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [2369420038] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [713382548] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:11 [Info] [491978182] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:codeforces.com:80 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:28 [Info] [517359858] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:api.wakatime.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:36 [Info] [2299420296] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [2299420296] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:api.wakatime.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:37 [Info] [4129244383] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:00:42 [Info] [4164287840] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:00:55 [Info] [3584735378] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:bolt.dropbox.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] App|Dispatcher: default route for tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Transport|Internet|WebSocket: creating connection to tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:04 [Info] [1628025223] Proxy|VMess|Outbound: tunneling request to tcp:block-edge.dropbox.com:443 via tcp:domain.com:443
2018/02/25 11:01:10 [Info] [241398407] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:01:10 [Info] [241398407] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
2018/02/25 11:01:11 [Info] [3303118465] App|Proxyman|Outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > Proxy|VMess|Outbound: connection ends > websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
2018/02/25 11:01:11 [Info] [3303118465] App|Proxyman|Inbound: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: connection ends > Proxy|Socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
tshu-w commented 6 years ago


tshu-w commented 6 years ago

新版貌似没有问题,close temporarily