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Modern C++ #5

Open v4if opened 7 years ago

v4if commented 7 years ago


vector<int> v = {3, 4, 1, 9}; // Calling initializer_list constructor

// auto type
for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
  cout << (*it) << endl;
auto a = 6; // integer
auto b = 9.6; // double

// foreach
for (int i : v) {  // works on any class that has begin() and end()
  cout << i ;    // readonly access
for (auto& i : v) {
  i++;  // changes the values in v

// nullptr
void foo(int i) {cout << "foo_int" << endl;}
void foo(char* pc) {cout << "foo_char*" << endl;}
int main() {
  foo(NULL);  // 歧义
  foo(nullptr); // call foo(char*)

// enum class
// c++ 03
enum apple {green_a, red_a};
// c++ 11
enum class apple {green, red};
apple a = apple::green;

// static_assert
// run-time assert
assert(myPointer != NULL);
// compile time assert ( C++ 11 )
static_assert(sizeof(int) == 4);

// Delegating Constrctor
// C++ 03
class dog {
  init() {...};
  dog() {init();}
  dog(int a) {init(); doOtherThings();}
// C++ 11
class dog {
  dog() {...}
  dog(int a) : dog() {...} // dog() has to be called first

// virtual override [compile check]

// final (for virtual function and for class)

// Compiler Generated Default Constructor, eg: dog(){}

// delete
dog& operator=(const dog&) = delete

char* a = u8"string"; // define an UTF-8 string 

// lanbda function
cout << [](int x, int y) {return x + y} (3, 4) << endl; // 7

Rvalue Reference

void printInt(int& i) {cout << "lvalue reference: " << i << endl;}
void printInt(int&& i) {cout << "rvalue reference: " << i << endl;}
int main() {
  int a = 5; // lvalue
  int& b = a; // lvalue reference
  int&& c;  // rvalue reference

  printInt(a); // Call printInt(int& i)
  printInt(6); // Call printInt(int&& i)
void foo(X x);
void foo_by_ref(X& x);
void main() {
  X x;
  foo_by_ref(x); // Call no constructor
  foo(x); // Call copy constructor
v4if commented 7 years ago


v4if commented 7 years ago



template<typename T> 
decltype(auto) move(T&& param)
    using ReturnType = remove_reference_t<T>&&;
    return static_cast<ReturnType>(param);

// 触发move语义,src被掏空了
string(std::string&& src)
    data = src.data;
    src.data = nullptr;

通常用于转移对象的所有权 右值通常都是临时的,所以可以随意修改;如果知道某个参数的右值,就可以将其看作为一个临时存储或窃取内容,也不影响程序的正确性 例如指针的转移是通过移动,而非拷贝

void do_stuff(X&& x_) {
  X a(x_); // 拷贝
  X b(std::move(x_)); // 移动
v4if commented 7 years ago


template<typename T1, typename T2>
auto sum(T1& t1, T2& t2) -> decltype(t1 + t2) {
    return t1 + t2;


v4if commented 7 years ago

有缺陷的枚举类型,具名的enum类型的名字,以及enum成员的名字都是全局可见的,因此枚举类型会污染全局变量 为了解决这一问题,可以对枚举类型进行封装

class Type{
    enum type{general, light, medium, heavy};


enum class Type{general, light, medium, heavy};

// 强作用域
v4if commented 7 years ago




void check(weak_ptr<int>& wp) {
    shared_ptr<int> sp = wp.lock();
    if (sp != nullptr) 
        cout << "still " << *sp << endl;
        cout << "pointer is invalid." << endl; 
v4if commented 7 years ago


int j = 12;
auto by_val_lambda = [=] {return j  + 1;}
auto by_ref_lambda = [&] {return j  + 1;}
std::cout << "by_val_lambda: " << by_val_lambda() << std::endl;
std::cout << "by_ref_lambda: " << by_ref_lambda() << std::endl;

std::cout << "by_val_lambda: " << by_val_lambda() << std::endl;
std::cout << "by_ref_lambda: " << by_ref_lambda() << std::endl;

by_val_lambda: 13
by_ref_lambda: 13
by_val_lambda: 13
by_ref_lambda: 14